Sudden sneezing and raspy chickens. So far 4/32 and 0/8 chicks

Some of the first birds we noticed to be coughing/sneezing seem to be foraging per usual and are laying eggs. Their cough isn’t as frequent but now they have horrible diarrhea.
The diarrhea may be their body passing through the sickness.

Some people get diarrhea when they are sick, and even when their sickness is ending.

The best sign is them laying eggs again. Hens are known to not lay eggs when they feel sick.

Whenever I get a sick hen, the first thing I look for to know if they are recovering is if they are laying eggs again.
The diarrhea may be their body passing through the sickness.

Some people get diarrhea when they are sick, and even when their sickness is ending.

The best sign is them laying eggs again. Hens are known to not lay eggs when they feel sick.

Whenever I get a sick hen, the first thing I look for to know if they are recovering is if they are laying eggs again.
We were at 20 a day from our 32. We’re down to 12 but yesterday was 16. Our rooster has it now. His poor crow makes me so sad.
The diarrhea was noted this morning from the few birds that first showed symptoms. It’s pretty bad… electrolytes is a great recommendation. Would you think something like Save A Chick or Rooster Booster? A friend suggested Keifer for the probiotic properties.
Anything with electrolytes and probiotics would be good in my opinion. Not familiar with either of those products so I can't give much of a recommendation there.
Is this the exact product you’d recommend? Is their egg withdrawal? I was looking at AmoxTy but assumed because of the amoxicillin there would be withdrawal. I’ve read the Tylosin has no withdrawal time but not sure if it’s helpful in this case. I’ll need to get it ordered and hope for quick arrival. Thanks for your help!
There is an egg withdrawal of about 10 days for Enrfloxacin. You can wait longer if you are worried about the antibiotics staying in their systems. If you are selling eggs you'll probably want to let your customers know what they've been treated with. Whatever is going through your flock sounds quite serious.
There is an egg withdrawal of about 10 days for Enrfloxacin. You can wait longer if you are worried about the antibiotics staying in their systems. If you are selling eggs you'll probably want to let your customers know what they've been treated with. Whatever is going through your flock sounds quite serious.
I appreciate all your help. It says June 4th delivery. Is that too late?…
we came home this morning after errands to sneezing chickens with very strange sounding calls. Identified 4/32 to be effected- possibly more. They’re quarantined while I figure this out. Combs seem red, we saw this each in nesting box within last 3 days. Speckled Sussex, black Australorp, Easter egger and GLW affected. 2-3 years old.

Video of wheezing and sneeze

Our chickens are our pets. We spend time with them daily. I clean their pine shaving bedding 2 times a week and sift their poop boards (which is a combo of sweet pz and first Saturday lime) twice a week as well. They have plenty of water, eat 5lbs of organic crumble daily. Meal worms as treats. We get about 18 eggs a day. I’ve noticed it’s gone down to 12-16 but we’ve introduced the chicks and we have a few broody.

Their run is very large and open air though they do have a 10x10 covered run as well. It is a mixture of pine pellets (dissolved) and fresh mulch from a tree I had mulched last summer. We add that as needed for moisture control but also enrichment/foraging as they no longer have grass in their run. They get 2-4 hours of grass grazing every evening.

Can anyone give me an idea of what I’m dealing with? Vet isn’t an option.
There are so many things it could be. A virus of some sort probably from bird droppings. They look otherwise well. I would isolate from rest of flock. De worm de Lice and give extra vitamins. I have given mine nac added to food when they are like this. Give some scrambled eggs and a little bit of mince to bolster their immunity. I took them to the vet once. Cost me a fortune. They drained a litre of fluid from each bird. They said it was a corona virus and gave them doxcycline. I also clean the coop.out with eucalyptus oil.
How are your birds?
We never lost any of them! I treated symptoms with VetRX, gave them from scratch bone broth and scrambled eggs with herbs daily for 2 weeks. Their production dropped from avg 22 eggs a day to as low as 9. We’re back up to 12-14 a day now. Not great but no one has symptoms. Continuing the broth and ACV and Rooster Booster.

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