Sudden thrashing hen can’t breathe


In the Brooder
Apr 19, 2020
Please help! My hen woke up fine and suddenly thrashing around on the ground upside down practically dead and barely breathing. We Grabbed her and she is full of yellow/and some red Stringy mucus. I cleared the mucus did the drops of vegetable oil mixed with 1cc of safeguard goat Wormer. She keeps filling up with mucus her trachea still keeps blocking up. I am using QTips to Clear her beak. Do you have any suggestions as to what it could be? I do have tylan and fishzole on hand in pill form.
Please help 😥
thank you!
Please help! My hen woke up fine and suddenly thrashing around on the ground upside down practically dead and barely breathing. We Grabbed her and she is full of yellow/and some red Stringy mucus. I cleared the mucus did the drops of vegetable oil mixed with 1cc of safeguard goat Wormer. She keeps filling up with mucus her trachea still keeps blocking up. I am using QTips to Clear her beak. Do you have any suggestions as to what it could be? I do have tylan and fishzole on hand in pill form.
Please help 😥
thank you!
Oh no ! That doesn't sound good.
Is it a peahen ?
Is there any yellow blockage or gunk inside her beak or throat? The bloody and yellow mucus might be from ILT, a respiratory disease, or she could have something like gapeworm or canker. Is there any bad odor from the beak? Hard to know without testing. Can she drink and swallow at all? SafeGuard can treat gapeworm if given 0.25 ml (1/4ml) per pound given daily for 5 days.
Please help! My hen woke up fine and suddenly thrashing around on the ground upside down practically dead and barely breathing. We Grabbed her and she is full of yellow/and some red Stringy mucus. I cleared the mucus did the drops of vegetable oil mixed with 1cc of safeguard goat Wormer. She keeps filling up with mucus her trachea still keeps blocking up. I am using QTips to Clear her beak. Do you have any suggestions as to what it could be? I do have tylan and fishzole on hand in pill form.
Please help 😥
thank you!
Oh I'm so sorry! How scary for her and you. 😩
Could she have something caught in her throat? One of mine swallowed a piece of grit and apparently it got stuck, she had thick mucoid strings and some bloody spots of mucus due to the irritation of her throat from the grit piece. I tried to probe with a soft Q-tip about an inch but nothing was there. She got it out later. My vet told me to bring her in if she doesn't get better. That's the only experience I have. I hope someone else gives you more info. Will be praying this gets resolved!!! ♥️♥️
Is there any yellow blockage or gunk inside her beak or throat? The bloody and yellow mucus might be from ILT, a respiratory disease, or she could have something like gapeworm or canker. Is there any bad odor from the beak? Hard to know without testing. Can she drink and swallow at all? SafeGuard can treat gapeworm if given 0.25 ml (1/4ml) per pound given daily for 5 days.

this is not a peahen it is a 6yo chicken. Yes she has yellow gunk almost like egg yolk same color. I do not smell a bad odor at all.When i clear the Mucus and gunk She was swallowing.
can she get an infection so fast? I didn’t notice anything different about her yesterday or this morning. She happened to sneak out of the cool this morning and then this
Oh I'm so sorry! How scary for her and you. 😩
Could she have something caught in her throat? One of mine swallowed a piece of grit and apparently it got stuck, she had thick mucoid strings and some bloody spots of mucus due to the irritation of her throat from the grit piece. I tried to probe with a soft Q-tip about an inch but nothing was there. She got it out later. My vet told me to bring her in if she doesn't get better. That's the only experience I have. I hope someone else gives you more info. Will be praying this gets resolved!!! ♥♥
I actually thought the same like maybe she ate a bee and it stung her. Because she was right where the ground bees are. 😭
Tylan can be given 1/4 ml per pound 3 times a day if using Tylan 50 which is no longer available. Have you had any fowl pox from mosquitoes lately? Wet fowl pox can cause yellow plaques inside the beak. It does not have a bad odor. But canker which aslo can cause yellow plaques, is said to smell very bad. But if her eye is droppy, that sounds possibly like a respiratory disease. Pictures of the eye and the gunk in the beak would be good.

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