Suddenly overrun in eggs again!

Out of 11 hens I have only been getting 1 or 2 a day, some days none. I did put a light in the coop that comes on at dusk (about 4:30pm) and stays on 4 hours. I have only been doing it about 4 days, so far no change in their laying...
I really wish they would pick up some.
I've only been getting a couple a day(if that) from my 17 layers.
I made cornbread last night using some ingenuity and no eggs. I REFUSE to buy eggs!
I don't mind, though, my girls deserve a break.
D'Angelo N Va. :

Ok, I got to know...Is anyone using light on their chickens? Mine have totally stopped for about a month now...and I mean in not a 1.

I don't add light, but the coops are designed to take advantage of every bit of natural light.​
No egg bonus for me today. Got 2 eggs from my 2 girls that are laying every other day. Then I have 1 SPPR that is laying on the other day that those 2 aren't. So out of 16 hens, I've got 3 laying. Better than none, but still.

And no light added here either.
11 from 11 hens today, their first winter. Still full of enthusiasm. The flibberty gibbet that seems to panic when an egg is coming, actually used a nest today. I bet she went in with another bird while she too was on a nest.
Well whatever it is that got everyones girls started back up, can you send it this way?

Man do I hope this IS contagiouse.!

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