Suddenly Questioning RIR gender, help?**with pics

for sure a roo
I have 1 !!
I say pullet. Body is too short and stocky to be a cockeral. Legs are too short.

Every RIR Roo I've had has been as long and gangly as a teenage boy..
My 13 week old RIR pullets have almost no signs of a comb. Also it looks like "she" has rather think legs.
Sorry, but it looks like a roo to me.
Here is a pic of my RIR hen. She is 7 months old now and hardly has any comb still. She has been laying for about 2-3 months.

(Ignore her awkard pose, she was scratching at the time I took the picture.)

it's a cockeral. If you look at the feathers right in front of the tail they are very skinny and pointy, they are called sickle feathers....
I am 100% sure that is a boy....

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