Suddenly unable to walk!! VIDEO


6 Years
Nov 4, 2017
My 20 week old pullet was running around chest bumping other pullets yesterday, being awesome. In fact, it was the first day I saw her walking on the nesting box roosts checking out boxes.
Today I opened the coop and they all ran out except "Camo". She was laying on the hay...(thought she was laying an egg). But when I went to her, she scuttled away, flapping her wings, and pushing with her leg/s. but was basically moving around on her chest/face this way and that. WTF????

She roosted last night- so its happened between then and first thing this morning.

What should I do- how do I inspect her- what could it possibly be????
Looks neuological or a disease...but how is this possible?? Flock is healthy and so was she, yesterday...?

I put her in a cat carrier this morning before I left, going out to check on her now.
Is it possible she injured one of her legs? Can you upload pics and/or a video?
Ok, I just went out and let her out in my feed room. Did a leg inspection- her legs are fine. Both feet can clasp, both legs work well. She took 3-5 slow steps, and the face planted. I also inspected her wings. They are good. She is perfectly fine, except she cannot balance. She spreads her tail out and open like a turkey, and walks very slowly, with her head out and down-like a snake almost. Then falls to one side or the other. Not always the same side.
I took a video, and will try to load it. I have not ever been successful doing that though..
not egg bound...I checked.
My vet says looks like nerve damage from injury, and another member also said same- maybe fell off (or pushed off) roost and hit her head. I have given anitbiotics and vitamins. not sure what else to do but wait and see how she does in a few days .??
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My 20 week old pullet was running around chest bumping other pullets yesterday, being awesome. In fact, it was the first day I saw her walking on the nesting box roosts checking out boxes.
Today I opened the coop and they all ran out except "Camo". She was laying on the hay...(thought she was laying an egg). But when I went to her, she scuttled away, flapping her wings, and pushing with her leg/s. but was basically moving around on her chest/face this way and that. WTF????

She roosted last night- so its happened between then and first thing this morning.

What should I do- how do I inspect her- what could it possibly be????
Looks neuological or a disease...but how is this possible?? Flock is healthy and so was she, yesterday...?

I put her in a cat carrier this morning before I left, going out to check on her now.
Is it possible she injured one of her legs? Can you upload pics and/or a video?
Ok, I just went out and let her out in my feed room. Did a leg inspection- her legs are fine. Both feet can clasp, both legs work well. She took 3-5 slow steps, and the face planted. I also inspected her wings. They are good. She is perfectly fine, except she cannot balance. She spreads her tail out and open like a turkey, and walks very slowly, with her head out and down-like a snake almost. Then falls to one side or the other. Not always the same side.
I took a video, and will try to load it. I have not ever been successful doing that though..
Your poor hen! She might be having a heart attack, or something like that.
I don't know anything about these sorts of things, I'm better at helping with broken legs.

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