Suedelettes, 5 Weeks Old..(Now 8 Weeks Old! Post 8 new pic)


Intentional Solitude
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Feb 3, 2007
Blue Ridge Mtns. of North Georgia
The three Suedelettes with Nugget are now five weeks old. Roosevelt, formerly known as Rose, is going to be a humongous, stunning rooster and needs a home right now. I will also be selling the pure black cockerel, but Ebony, the only girl, is spoken for by Cetawin.

Nugget gave me a hard time, staying between me and her kids as well as she could. She just automatically protects them from that mean old chicken-eating camera, even though she isn't as thrilled with them as she used to be, LOL.







Gloria Jean could get him and call him Franklin . . . . . .

OK, OK, bad double pun....I guess you have to be from western NC?????
The chick formerly known as Rose is now almost 8 weeks old and HUGE so I'm trying to start incorporating him and his mom back into Isaac's group. Today I let Nugget out with Roosevelt while Ike and girls were also free ranging. Isaac asserted his dominance several times, reclaiming his missing woman while Roosevelt ran in circles, first running toward me, the next best thing to his mom; then he remmebered he was mostly Orpington and shouldn't associate with humans, LOL.

When I told Ike to run along and leave poor Nugget alone, I threw some scratch out. Nugget and Roosevelt ran around in the group, eating with everyone else. In fact, when the youngster was confronted by my Buff Brahma hen, he stood tall as he could eye to eye with her. He also held his ground with my older Buff Orp, Sunny, so could be that soon, he can go with his mama into that flock till someone claims him.

One observation: Nugget did not defend him against the adults, so though she isn't actually pushing him away, she is letting go.

Hope someone claims this handsome boy soon! I have no place for him in the groups here. I bet he's going to be stunning.

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