Suggestion for Pages


Longfeather Lane
14 Years
Jun 10, 2010
I went to update my Peafowl 101 post in the peafowl forums, and found that I couldn't. I was advised to create a page for it instead, which I have done. However, the categories where one can create pages is extremely limited- this is not a member page, nor is it a chicken, coop, or law/ordinance page. It's an "other fowl" page, and I would like to propose that such a category (of some sort) be created for those of us who also keep peafowl, turkeys, ducks, game birds, etc.
It probably would but I do not see that as an option in the drop down menu? How do I place pages in that category?

These are the only options in the drop down menu for "article type" when creating a new page.

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