Suggestion to BYC website :)

It would be a excellent idea!
Not to be a party pooper it’d only work if people use it
There’s a formatted questionare for emergencies but I see that not every knows/uses it. It’s very helpful too. Saves the educators a lot of time because in just about every situation there is a need for basic information and history. It’s difficult guessing or re-asking the same basic questions.
Like any great tool it’s only effective if it gets used.
Love the idea~truly I do.
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Ha great minds :) yes exactly like that. it says you posted this last month and progression on your project?
Progress is that hosting a service large enough is expensive, well above my budget, and I suck at coding so I'm reading the instructions as jiowaghuorgnfioewjifewnijojnsjo.
I'm trying, at least. I'm a good learner so given enough time I might be able to get something going.
Reading on how to do this, the process makes sense but it seems to me as if all the templates stay within the realm of humans. I'm not sure how I can modify it to make it for chickens.

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