Suggestions for a name for our place


10 Years
Apr 18, 2009
Shamong, NJ
I was trying to think of a name for our place. We really only have an 1.5 acres. So we can't be called a farm or farmette. But since we've had ducks, guineas and now chickens everyone teases us about having a "mini farm".
Doing research on farmette aka farmlet aka yokelet, I was thinking maybe a funny term could be "yolklet". So how does Grady's Yolklet sound?
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Is Yokelet common? I've never heard that term that I can recall, but I did look it up and now I know what it means! Other than that, I think Grady's Yolklet is a cute play on words... as long as others around you know the term Yokelet, too!
Well, I didn't get too many comments about this, and my sister thought it was a stupid name, so I've been trying to think of something else. Again, since we have soooo many birds "Fowl Farm". Any thoughts on this name?
Even if you're not familiar with term, and I'm not, Yolklet makes me think of a yolk outlet. I think it's a neat farm name.

We have a brook going through the property, Stony Brook. I like the name Stony Brook Acres, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's in use already. If I ever seriously decide to the name the place, I'll have to research that.
Here is a site that has registered farm names Maybe it will give you a few ideas.
Well I still haven't come up with a name. I know some of you out there are really good at coming up with names. I had 1 suggestion today I kind of like "Fowling Around". Anyone else have any thoughts?
I like "Fowl Farm." We also have a menagerie and only one acre, but on our coop is painted "Two Dog Farm." This is kind of a family joke, as my husband wants my parents to name the half acre of grapes they have planted "Two Dog Vinyard" or "Bad Dog Vinyard" for their dogs.

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