Suggestions for making it through hard times - add some, no whining!

its middle of the day for us night shift people, that was a typo, us cantuckyians aint the best spellors:lol:
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sorry, I know I was being a wise-acre, but I was LOL! Reminds me of when we were kids, we never used that f**t word for flatulence, because Mother said it was an ugly, vulgar word. Thus when we were kids, flatulence was referred to as a "poot". I got this really weird mental picture of the "pooting soil" you mentioned, and I was just gone!
ok, that's it, This is proof it's past my bedtime. Hope your shift goes well & you have a good night/day!
as far as the vine some coffee grounds could haved helped it, sounds like it was off to a good start, years ago my wife was starting a climbing rose and it did the same excact thing,, but we didnt give up on it, till we saw our neighbors dog pissing on it,,we relized it was too far gone at that point
I shop at Rite Aid often. They have a rebate program that is great. I signed up online and when I shop I enter my receipts and at the end of the month I request my rebate check. You can search their monthly rebates, print and shop. This past month I received a $22.00 check! Now that's a savings. They also have a perscription card that is free. Just had it to the cashier and you never know what you will save!
This is one my friends do, I don't. I think this would be great for older couples or singles for whom cooking for one or two is a miserable chore.

Form a cooking co-op. Find two other families nearby and one night a week each family cooks a meal and shares with the other families. So once a week you cook for twelve, but you get three different homecooked meals. My friend who does this does a Mon/Wed/Fri. She takes Wednesday, others take Monday and Friday. She says one is a basic cook, one is a fancy cook and she is in between. You get variety, home cooked food, and only have to cook once for three different meals. I tried to get my widowed MIL to do this with her sister and good friends because I know it is a chore to cook a healthy meal for just one person.

Hope this makes sense.
Instead of me typing how I do it, I''ll tell you where I got my information and you can go to their site and read all about home grown fruit trees, veggies etc. Check out your state's Cooperative Extension Service web page. If you don't have one I know that Oklahoma and NC has wonderful sites. Just do a search on the site for what ever plant /tree/vine you are interested in... I have used both methods of cuttings and layering and had different var. do better with one--so now, I use both methods on each var.
buy in bulk......cook from scratch. its amazing how many dollars are wasted by purchasing convenience foods!

utilize the local farmers market. you save money and buy locally. good practices all around.

wash in cold water and use your clothesline instead of your dryer.

i throw NO food away! what we don't eat goes to 1) the dogs 2) the chickens and rabbits and 3) the compost pile

save even little dabs of leftover meats and veggies. put 'em in a container in the freezer and when it gets full, make "garbage can soup" it's never the same twice lol but yummy every time!

plant a garden. even folks in apartments can grow a container garden.

learn to can. even without a garden, canning allows you to take better advantage of sales and bulk buys.

count your blessings..........every day! there is always someone worse off than you! even when they're hard to find, your blessings are there. for example, today i'm grateful for mascara, toilet paper and a husband who doesn't mind running an errand or two for me *smiles*

turn off the dadgum lights!

plan your trips to town. when i run out of something, die to poor planning on my part, i do without until the next trip. no more running for one or two items.

keep your tires inflated to the correct pressure. saves wear and tear on the tires and improves gas mileage.

smile at 10 people every day. it's hard to be unhappy with a smile on your face. you'll make their day and yours too!
Just a note on canning:
A lot of newbies don't know there are 2 types of canning - open kettle and pressure canning.
Please, please make sure you use the right method.
It would be horrible to lose a BYCer or their family to botulism.

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