Suggestions PLEASE for Human Morning Sickness-UPDATE #56

I PRAY, that my future DIL and that my daughter don't take after their mother during 4 of her 9 pregnancies.

Saltine crackers,

Gingerale or 7-Up

peppermint candy.

That's the best I can help her.

That and faith in the Good Lord.
Great suggestions so far!
I'm a nurse who works with pregnant women, so here's my spiel:
-Small, frequent amounts
-Avoid greasy, spicy foods
-Peppermint & ginger are natural tummy-settler-downers; try
peppermint tea, ginger tea, ginger snaps, peppermint or
ginger altoids
-Some women find sour things helpful: lemonade, lemon
candy, citrus fruit
-Some women find salty things helpful
-Some women find cooking, esp. meat, sets them off
-Sometimes certain odors make women feel sick
-Some women crave what their body can keep in...follow
cravings (no dirt, clay, cornstarch, etc
-Ask the doc/midwife about extra B6
-Try Sea-Bands (acupressure wrist devices found in drug
stores; developed by the Navy to help seasick sailors.
-If none of this works, ask your doc for prescription
stuff (unfortunately, most of them cause drowsiness)

NB: although the do-not-eat lists seem nitpicky, they're based on one's goal is to dictate to mom, but to ensure she has the healthiest possible pregnancy/baby.

Very important: if mom goes more than 48 hrs without being able to hold food in, or more than 24 hours without being able to hold down liquid, she needs medical attention

Hope this helps!
Congratulations, future grandma!!
I know there is nothing good about this, but I only had sickness with my daughter and Chocolate milk was my life saver to get me through the day, along with some crackers.
Ok...this will probably gross some of you out, but with my third pregnancy I had the worst morning sickness until in my 7th month. I thought I'd never be able to get more than 10 feet away from a toilet ever again. Two of the few things that would stay down were beef jerky and pepsi. I know...not exactly a balanced diet, but at least it stayed down. And by the way the result of that pregnancy is almost 27 and healthy as a horse.
hi..when i went on a cruise ship...i started to get sick(we hit a hurricane..:eek:..) and they had these wrist bands that you put on to ease the sickness...the captain even announced over the PA system..that they work..and he was going to go get some for himself because it was pretty rough i noticed on the package it said also for morning sickness...and they did work! does something with a pressure point on your wrist...and i could not believe how much better i started to feel!...they sell them at your local pharmacy stores..or probably even walmart..good luck!..
Actually, I also found that if I felt really dangerously queasy, it often helped to firmly pinch the rim of my ear towards the upper back, and pull up and back 'towards the upper corner' as it were. A similar thing soothes colicky horses sometimes and I tried it on me in desperation once and darned if it didn't help.

I have no idea how general this is, but might be worth trying if a person is desperate. Or is a horse.

I never had morning sickness with my boy's, but I was told that peppermint helped. Chamomille tea settles the stomach too. I wish her luck.
Congrats to the family

I was one of those lucky women plagued by all day sickness from week 4 to birth. I lost weight in the first part of my pregnancy, but everything was fine in the end.

As someone else mentioned-when you are very sick, eat whatever sounds good. I never eat McDonalds, but I started eating egg Muffins there, and it's all I could keep down in the morning. My midwives said not to worry about it-they are a good source of protein. I also craved vanilla milkshakes.

None of the crackers, ginger, preggo pops, medications worked for me, so I just ate what I could and hoped it stayed down. She will be fine even if she eats very little.
Yes, the general thought is that it is ok even if you gain *no* weight in the first trimester (and generally sorta ok even if you lose a little, although obviously that's not preferable) as long as you have sufficient vitamin intake and don't get dehydrated and don't go for long periods without eating anything.

The sea-bands do help and of course no real side-effects except they look funny. French fries with my first...McDonalds only. My second chocolate milk, latte or oatmeal (funny I can't stand the stuff). My third peanut m&m and diet coke. Since obviously these choices are not the best nutrition....I just literally had them would eat some of these a few sips or bites wait 20 min then try to eat something else. For me gigerale or pepermint would actually make me puke....but then I would try my remedies and could actually eat. Best advice midnight snack....protein rich cracker peanut butter, turkey and cheese some in middle of night....make hubby get a mini frig so its right there (or a lunchbox with icepack...what I used). The dip in blood sugar is what produces the nausea, snacks with sugar and protien will help the sugar for immediate improvement, protein to stay that way. B6 and B12 are available OTC at any pharmacy. One is folic acid, the other helps with nausea. If prenatal makes ill then at least your'e getting the folic acid. Also have her call, chewable flinstones are an acceptable alternative (with the folic acid) for prenatal vitamins if truely unable to take. I never could take but one brand of prenatal which was discontinued by my third.

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