Suggestions PLEASE for Human Morning Sickness-UPDATE #56

DW used to chew on ice chips, pounds and pounds of Ice chips, a noise that took me some getting used to, since I don't like the sound of crunching ice.
I said she might loose teeth that way, but the dentist said there would be no problem. This is by far the cheapest solution if you have an automatic ice maker.
I read a few pages of this thread, but not the whole thing.

Ginger capsules from the health food store work a lot better than Ginger Ale.
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For me, the nausea was caused by higher levels of progesterone.

Eat something as you're getting ready for bed.

set your alarm and eat a handful of something about 3am,

then eat some more when you wake up.

Also, I recommend Cream of Wheat that has been sweetened. It has tons of iron in it.

I would have 1 bottle of chocolate milk, 1 bottle of white milk, 1 banana, 1 orange, 1 apple, 2 glazed donuts, all before noon, and still be starving at lunch. I never gained any weight with my 2 until the last 3 months.
oh i had hyperemesis with dd, doc tryed everything even a drug for chemo patients nothing work, this is why dd will be an only child.
hope she does have that , sleep is the only time i wasn't cuddling my little white can. sleep.
Wow, I never had to experience morning sickness with my daughter.....only nausea I would feel is while I was in the mid stage of labor....
I had terrible morning sickness with my daughter, couldn't stand the smell of coffee, couldn't even see someone drinking it...and other things. But a lady told me to drink raspberry leaf tea. As long as I drank the tea a couple of times a day I was fine
I'm six months pregnant and just now starting to feel human. I was so sick that I needed medical attention. I'll tell you right now that if nothing seems to work, she needs to get to the doctor for some medication. I couldn't keep water or food down. Every single thing I put in my mouth, I threw up.
I tried all of the above. The B-6 and ginger worked for a few days, then I was back at it. It kept getting worse and worse, and was at it's worst during my fourth month.
If she can't keep fluids down or can't keep any food down, she'll have to go to the emergency room for an IV and some Zofran (or something like it). I gained 10lbs in 3 weeks after I started Zofran (I'm still a couple of pounds behind). I had to take it three times a day for a few weeks, but now I just take it if I start to feel sick. I still avoid my "trigger" foods, but I can now eat normal foods (fruit, veggies, breads, nothing spicy, no meat, nothing with tons of sugar).
Honestly, I seriously doubt I'll ever get pregnant again because I was so sick! And when the OB says, "Wow, I've never seen it that bad!", you know you were bad off.
Haven't read all the posts...
I drank peppermint tea when I was preggers. My doc said she also had morning sickness & the only way she was able to work was to sip it all day long. BTW, I "prescribe" Altoids for my kids when they are carsick or they have eaten something that disagrees.
Good luck with this. It'll pass.

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