Sulfaquinoxaline - withdrawal time


Apr 11, 2020
Hi everybody,
I've treated my hens for coccidiosis with Sulfaquinoxaline 2% for 5 days (4 ml. per liter). I bought the drug in a specialized avian shop. After giving it to the hens I red that it's not suitable for laying hens. The same I've red on the web, also in the Italian sites than international sites. May someone tell me what I have to do now? May I eat eggs and how long I have to wait? Thank to you all!

"Warning (human Food) Do not treat chickens or turkeys within 14 days of slaughter for food. Do not medicate chickens or turkeys producing eggs for human consumption."
😂 I know this was a while ago... but best is to wait longer than a week to make sure everything's out of their system before consuming eggs from them.
Thank you for the reply. In the meantime my two hens began molting so I haven't eggs to eat... 😂😂😂
Looks like it's not "approved" for use in laying hens in the US either.

I consider that term "laying hen" to be commercial and backyard pets are not the same.. I'm not selling eggs or meat. Please use your best judgement though!

Here is a link that shows how many days it takes until there is no longer detectable amount of the drug in eggs and at what dosage level for many things.. the one you're asking about I think is on page 14...

Most mature hens should have built immunity to coccidia in their own environment.. So I would question if treating for that was accurate or if there was something else going on.

Molting could have been the reason they seemed under the weather (or could also cause enough stress to weaken expected immunity from previous statement). Feathers are made from 90% protein and it's amino acids.. support with good nutrition, my preference is "all flock" (or starter/grower) type feed with 18-20% protein and calcium source free choice on the side. My birds have much different molts since making the switch away from 16% protein in layer.. (full time).

Hope the link is informative and they recover quickly! :fl

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