Sumatra Thread!

You are very welcome, always have a special place in my heart for 4-H and kids.  Good Luck on hatching some chicks this year, should be a nice cross, would be nice if the shipping put him into a early molt, but doubtful. :).  Take care and keep in touch!
Thank you again! We cant wait to see his feathering after a good molt. And luckily our shows are in the spring so the fall molting these Sumatras go though benefit us here!
The silvers, goldens, BBR's and creles, should all have stripes I think. Our silver and goldens do
haha was just about to say that, all duckwing are striped. All these are mainly bb reds and golds though. Mine are the gold not golden duckwing so they tend to be more on the bb red look as chicks, where the golden look more like silvers. From what I sent, these should be mostly bb's and golds. And yep any with the head dot will be the creles. Some could be very faint and hard to see though, you'll be able to tell once they get a feather though. On the white chicks, if they have orange on them, they are pyles, if they are just yellow, then they are the whites. Both are the Schubert line though. Sent some of both. If they hatched from and egg marked Pyle though,,haha that will narrow it down too.

Looks like a great hatch, glad they did so good for you. I know you had had some hard times there for a bit with some of them
Thank you again! We cant wait to see his feathering after a good molt. And luckily our shows are in the spring so the fall molting these Sumatras go though benefit us here!
Yeah most of our good shows here are in the fall and of course they are starting or in the middle of a molt, the spring is harder since they are coming out of winter and in the breeding pens and having to deal with mud and melting snow, its hard on the cocks and cockerels tails, sigh.. oh well, when we showed a few years ago we would sometimes put them into a darkened shed and force them into early molt but haven't done that in awhile
Yeah most of our good shows here are in the fall and of course they are starting or in the middle of a molt, the spring is harder since they are coming out of winter and in the breeding pens and having to deal with mud and melting snow, its hard on the cocks and cockerels tails, sigh.. oh well, when we showed a few years ago we would sometimes put them into a darkened shed and force  them into early molt but haven't done that in awhile

We are so spoiled in FL! No melting snow or mud. My grass never even browned up. We only had a couple nights in the 30's! My weeds are taking over because the frost usually kills them. But my flower beds didn't die this winter either. So I can't complain!
You are so lucky! I uncovered all my roses a couple of weeks ago, then we had a night that was 16 degrees and it killed the new leaves, so now I have to wait for them to see who will come back, I hope all of them. Had a week in the 80's which is about 20 degrees warmer than it should be, cooling down now and going to be back in the 60's tomorrow. Crazy weather, just hope we have some rain for my pasture in the next couple of days :)
the Best show for me is the Sussex County Poultry Fanciers Show it is twice a year and this weekend is there spring show!

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