Sumatra Thread!

You don't have to be a member of anything just to show. I do recommend joining at least the APA to support them but you don't have to to show.

Showing poultry isn't like showing any other species. Generally a lot more laid back. At least it is out here.

Were it not for the APA & ABA there would be no shows other than County fairs. Without the shows there would be very few people bothering to raise quality birds. The shows went through a period of decline & are now coming back. It was this period of decline that led to so many breeds nearly disappearing. If quality poultry is important to you supporting the 2 sanctioning bodies makes sense even if you don't plan to show yourself.
I believe you meant 100 years combined experience. Doesn't matter we still don't know anything. That's one of the reasons I don't post much now. You can't help people that know it all.


I did, of course mean 100 years-just fixed it. Got to learn to proof read before I hit submit.
Same here Walt. I don't post much anymore or even check the site too often. This has been a life-long hobby for me & I enjoy helping new people get started but I do get tired of being corrected by people who've had 3 chickens for 6 months & think they know everything because they bought Gail Damerow's book.
Were it not for the APA & ABA there would be no shows other than County fairs. Without the shows there would be very few people bothering to raise quality birds. The shows went through a period of decline & are now coming back. It was this period of decline that led to so many breeds nearly disappearing. If quality poultry is important to you supporting the 2 sanctioning bodies makes sense even if you don't plan to show yourself.

Excellent point as always. I was just saying that technically you don't absolutely have to be a member. Joining the two national groups is fantastic, joining your regional poultry groups really helps keep the poultry world turning too.
Were it not for the APA & ABA there would be no shows other than County fairs. Without the shows there would be very few people bothering to raise quality birds. The shows went through a period of decline & are now coming back. It was this period of decline that led to so many breeds nearly disappearing. If quality poultry is important to you supporting the 2 sanctioning bodies makes sense even if you don't plan to show yourself.

I am one of those "backyard" chickens owners and have been for a good many
years. I have always tried to keep good quality birds and improve as much as
I can. I did not know about showing chickens until I found this forum and through
all of you good folks I have a great deal more and now know about SOP and shows
and good breeders. I will look into joining the APA, I just wasn't sure if it was a
requirement for showing. I have not decided if I will show or not but I do want
to improve my birds. Thank you to all you good folks for sharing your knowledge
with me and please come visit here more so many of us can get the better knowledge
for our flocks. I think most of us can figure out what is good tips and what just
isn't the best ideas. If it wasn't for this forum, a lot of us folks would have never
gotten this knowledge to help improve the breeding of birds.
Last edited: has been a very wet day here......times it
rained so hard and fast that the roads were flooding. The
birds are going to have a hard time finding dry dirt for a dust
bath and since they track that mud to inside the coop it will
make for some mud on eggs despite lots of hay in the boxes
oh my! You are too funny. I really like looking at pictures too. This is definitely a beautiful breed, and I like it when people share pictures.

Now on another note. ..I feel you are the lucky one, you are closer to the biggest shows for sumatras and amazing breeders too. Im not going to disagree with you about Infnityhrt and her family. They do have very very nice birds, and I do look forward to joining them at the shows.
Thank you guys for the nice comments, I can't wait to meet Katrina at the shows this fall, wish Coop Scoop was closer and could join us also. I love the shows! Very laid back here for the most part, not sure how the huge shows back east would be but We are hoping to go to the Ohio Show in 2015, been wanting to go for awhile and just see all the birds, probaby like a little piece of heaven on earth, I just love chickens!!! :) has been a very wet day here......times it
rained so hard and fast that the roads were flooding. The
birds are going to have a hard time finding dry dirt for a dust
bath and since they track that mud to inside the coop it will
make for some mud on eggs despite lots of hay in the boxes
Hope it ends soon, you can send some here to eastern washington, we could really use it!
My show schedule is crazy I have shows April 26th, May 3rd, May 17th, May 31st, June 29th, and July 12th as of right now! The big show is May 17th so I'm excited yet stressed lol.

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