Sumatra Thread!

yep they are slow to mature and he's just young, give him some time he'll get there.
Honestly, to me at least, he does have a female build to him though, may just be the line?? I dont know? But he looks hennish in the build, but does have the hackle and saddle feathers of a male, but even his face looks like a hen to me. All my males are slimmer built and much more game looking in the face with a more up right carriage.
Like I said earlier, I personally have never seen any of my sumatra bantams crow... I know they do, but they are nothing like the other birds. Now I have 600 + birds here so I dont spend all day with the sumatras, but in 4 years, I've never seen the first one crow...
by the way, dont know if any of you are doing something similar, but I am starting so sumatra projects for patterns. I love the breed, but got tired of just solid colors. So currently am working on some duckwing and ginger colors in them. Will take a few yaers to accomplish, but will post the progress on here for yall to keep up with. Have a ginger red and bb red cockerel now that's already close to type just needs a little comb, ear lobe correction and a dose or two more of fibro m. and they be there.
yep they are slow to mature and he's just young, give him some time he'll get there.
Honestly, to me at least, he does have a female build to him though, may just be the line?? I dont know? But he looks hennish in the build, but does have the hackle and saddle feathers of a male, but even his face looks like a hen to me. All my males are slimmer built and much more game looking in the face with a more up right carriage.
Like I said earlier, I personally have never seen any of my sumatra bantams crow... I know they do, but they are nothing like the other birds. Now I have 600 + birds here so I dont spend all day with the sumatras, but in 4 years, I've never seen the first one crow...

WOW, that a lot of chickens Boggy Bottom!! Thanks for your insight.
yep they are slow to mature and he's just young, give him some time he'll get there.
Honestly, to me at least, he does have a female build to him though, may just be the line?? I dont know? But he looks hennish in the build, but does have the hackle and saddle feathers of a male, but even his face looks like a hen to me. All my males are slimmer built and much more game looking in the face with a more up right carriage.
Like I said earlier, I personally have never seen any of my sumatra bantams crow... I know they do, but they are nothing like the other birds. Now I have 600 + birds here so I dont spend all day with the sumatras, but in 4 years, I've never seen the first one crow...

This thought has crossed my mind before, I've considered trying to create a Wheaten Sumatra. I've got Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas that are pretty nice and I've thought about using them to start the project.

I want to work with the solid colors for awhile though, I plan on hatching as many Platinum and Duns as I can next year!
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that's be a good plan Jeremy, get you a good base of pures going first, then ease into the projects.
I have tons of bantam phoenix that I am using toward the sumatra projects, as well as some long tail x game blends that are very close to sumatra type already.
Headed out to set up some breeding pens now, will try to snap a few pics of some of them.
One good thing about these being solid colors is on color projects, you can have the color in 2 years. First years chicks will all be blue or black depending on which sumatra color you use, then a back cross will give you some in the color you are working on which will be 50% sumatra, then it's just a few years or repeating that process and you're there. A friend of mine who is helping me did it years ago and had them in various colors including red pyle, which looked awesome.

Will see if I can get some pics of my starter program birds today and post them this evening, they already have a lot going for them, foot color, type ect, like I said some are already double spurred even
yep they are slow to mature and he's just young, give him some time he'll get there.
Honestly, to me at least, he does have a female build to him though, may just be the line?? I dont know? But he looks hennish in the build, but does have the hackle and saddle feathers of a male, but even his face looks like a hen to me. All my males are slimmer built and much more game looking in the face with a more up right carriage.
Like I said earlier, I personally have never seen any of my sumatra bantams crow... I know they do, but they are nothing like the other birds. Now I have 600 + birds here so I dont spend all day with the sumatras, but in 4 years, I've never seen the first one crow...

WOW, that a lot of chickens Boggy Bottom!! Thanks for your insight.

haha, yep tell me about i....feed bill is ungodly, have to buy it by the ton
My next project with sumatras will be making
A line that shows a wild look.
A pheasant appearance even the tail will shape like a pheasant.
I'll start with the 2 basic colors black,blue.
I might add silver and cuckoo eventually.


This line won't be call Sumatra chickens.
instead I think I'll call them Sumatra pheasant
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they look lacking looking since they are not full feathered
feathers are growing longer as you can see in this last pic.
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sounds like a good project Gallo, and yes, they are supposed to be much more leggy than what most are, even mine are short leged, they look good, but arent correct to the standard. I'm hoping this phoenix outcross will fix a lot of that. Just got in from taking pics, will get them loaded to photobucket here in a minute and get them on

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