Sumatra Thread!

Brown Red Sumatra bantams are on the rise! I would love to see what the BBReds look like. The brown reds are very nice but have less than perfect combs and have slightly raised tail angle. But they are shooting for recognition.
  I called him and asked him how he did it he was really nice to tell me how he got the lacing on his sumatras. He said to have both of the parents to be blues and that way it will make the lacing stronger on my birds. I also told him about my sumatras and now he really wants to to look at them. I had sent some photos of my birds to him to see what he thinks of them. I have not gotten the letter yet so I can not tell you guys right now what he thinks of them. but ones I do get it I will let you guys know. :)

That is the key to better lacing because when you breed blue to black the lacing gets worse unless the black came out of blue parents.
I know the breeder who came up with the brown red bantam sumatras his name is james smith and the funny thing is that is where I got all my lines from. he is a great breeder he has been breeding sumatras all his life. when I went to his house he had brown red sumatra bantams everywhere told me he bred a bb red old english with a black sumatra bantam.
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Are your BB Reds wild type or wheaten?

I considered outcrossing to Cubalayas to create a Dun Wheaten colored Sumatra, the project just never took off.

I'd love to see photos.
that'd be cool to do for sure. Mine are wild type

put up a couple pics of them back around page 50 somewhere, it's been a while. Will have to dig threw them all and see if I can find a new one. They are no where near finished, but getting close. Double spurred so far, comb is getting shrinking every cross. Hope to get it gone this year. Long tails are always the best to use in a sumatra outcross. That just one more set of genes you dont have to fight to get back. Once they are lost it can be a pain to get them back good.
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I know the breeder who came up with the brown red bantam sumatras his name is james smith and the funny thing is that is where I got all my lines from. he is a great breeder he has been breeding sumatras all his life. when I went to his house he had brown red sumatra bantams everywhere told me he bred a bb red old english with a black sumatra bantam.
he had to of added birchen some where, other wise, he'd just be getting bb red duckwings back from that. Sure it wasnt brown red old english?

Would love to see them though. Never seen any in the US, just overseas in brown red. Do you know if he sells any? Would love to get a few if so.
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Brown Red Sumatra bantams are on the rise! I would love to see what the BBReds look like. The brown reds are very nice but have less than perfect combs and have slightly raised tail angle. But they are shooting for recognition.
same thing pretty much with these bb reds I'm working on. It's not so easy to do projects in them, takes a lot to finish them up back to a perfect type. another year or two and I should have them pretty nice though. I just enjoy doing it. Once that's done, I'll start another. who am I kidding, got 40 or so going now, I start new projects every year haha it's a sick addiction
oh sorry that is was what I was trying to say but it came out as BB red old english games instead. He was selling them like hot cakes at the shows I went to. he lives in Safford AZ if you would like to call him, private message me for his phone number
if you guys need help from me I am happy to help.
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same thing pretty much with these bb reds I'm working on. It's not so easy to do projects  in them, takes a lot to finish them up back to a perfect type. another year or two and I should have them pretty nice though. I just enjoy doing it. Once that's done, I'll start another. who am I kidding, got 40 or so going now, I start new projects every year  haha  it's a sick addiction

When you breed for bbr sumatras do you only breed back to the black sumatras i know is a pain seeing how the black color cover all the bbr(black breasted red) with black every where .
Have you had bred bbr to blue or splash sumatras and use the diluted bbr(blue breasted lemon) over the black Sumatra what color do you get out of black sumatra and blue breasted limon sumatra?
that's right. You take the original bb red source bird to black ( or blue doesnt matter) . You get all F1 blacks. Take the best of the best now and breed these together . From those pick out your best bb red and cull the rest. That's 2 years of breeding and you're still just 50 % pure

Now take these 50% bb red sumatra and start over again to the black or blue and repeat the process. Need to do at least 4 times, 5 doesnt hurt.

The blue doesnt really contribute much here. Now once you are close to finished you can add the blue. That's what I will be doing. From those you will get bb reds and blue red.

Now on a birchen ( brown red) yes once you add the blue, you will get brown reds and lemon blues.

Now from what you asked last. If you breed a lemon blue to a black. You get about 50% each black and blues in solids. You can back breed to each other or take back to the lemon blue. You will get black, blue, brown red, and lemon blue. ( thats why you have to breed a lot in the project, you have several colors that come out in the back cross to cull out)

Same cross on the bb red cross. You are just using duckwing instead of birchen is all. The results are the same color wise.

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