Sumatra Thread!

(just so everyone knows, infinityheart is my madre)

What has me curious is the face color of the males. Don't the brown red/birchen games normally have dark faces? I think most of the brown reds I have seen have the dark faces which would be great for sumatras. Just an observation.
They are coming along nicely, the type is getting there for the female, roosters always take longer to refine anyway. Just like the phoenix. I have some legbar cross pullets that could pass as a tufted/tassled phoenix when they get older but they're not. If I would have kept a cockerel, I'm sure he wouldn't look right. A couple more generations and it'll be there
haha you are right and sorry about that, I was in lala land last night trying to caught up on a bunch of stuff, saw the farm name and went with it haha.

I dont know about the face color on the games, never had them. Got these and the brown red phoenix, they arent at least... The pullets are some what dark on these, but nope the males are bright still, that's one of the fine tuning things they need for sure.

And mama moneky poop, will be sure to follow up with progress pics of them for sure...
When you complete this brown breeding I think yo should name them the igneous sumatra, do you remember that rooster I posted a while back(Bruce) he is not a cross at all and he has lovely colouring. I'll post some pics of the chicken later. I'm getting pics ready for going back to England.
yep sure do, he was nice
maybe its my computer screen, but does the hen have a white or bluish tinted earlobe? They are pretty, congrats on them
nope one of them does still, not the computer
having a red face is not the most points you can lose. in the standard of perfection in the scale of points area it says that the most points you can lose is 1 to 1/2 points for color of the face or eyes. I would be more worried about a sumatras conformation than anything.
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yep very true, thats how I do it with ohiki and phoenix projects too, worry more with over all body and feather type, little things like color of lobe, leg or face is the easiest things to fix with breeding
I'm in England, and my dad had all his chicken killed. so my dad wanted to get some egg layers, he was talking about getting hybrids, i was laying get pure breads because they lay a lot and keep it up for a few years. so i looked on line for pure breads for sale local to us and the prices over here for chicken are unbelievable. here is a link to some of the breeds and what they are making. fowl A-M.htm
I'm living in the wrong country for chicken selling. my brother bought a golden Brahma hen for 25 and i thought that was a lot but over here a Brahma hen cost £60.

and in the end we got a leghorn and some hybrids which came to the cost of £55. the hybrids are raggedy looking but they were cheap and it is lovely seeing them happy.

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