Sumatra Thread!

I am a very happy person right now, because the Arizona National is having it's show this year in the last week of December, and my mom says I can go!!!!!!!! whoot this will be my first national ever!!!!!! wish me luck!!!!
Just wanted to wish you luck at the up coming national show your going to. What sumatras are you taking?
Quote: Oh thank you! Sadly I found out that they had changed the date to next year, but thanks for your support. I will be going to the safford show in Arizona on january 4th it's a small show but you never know who will be there.
Quote: Well yeah I have never been to a national show how could I know. I have never ask that question, but thanks to you now I know.

Cubakid I may be going to the Iowa national they are going to have up there next year, but it depends if I can make enough money to go.
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Totally agree, when we first got chickens it was an order from McMurray hatchery in 2001 and our order was 25 chicks and our one exotic, When we placed the order I think it was for 18 different breeds, Our first Sumatra turned out to be a cockerel from there and I loved the wild look and totally fell in love with the breed, we didn't even know poultry shows existed. I had always shown horses at the fair and looking through the fair book saw that they had something for poultry, I thought great the kids love the chickens that would be good for them. They ended up winning showmanship and Best in Show with their little d'uccle and we were hooked. We started learning even more and going to open shows and getting better birds. The kids changed breeds and we have had polish, wyandottes, black east indies, white calls.. the list goes on, lots of different birds over the last 13 years, but the one that has been with us from the very beginning has been the Sumatras, they have been my breed, my daughter has always shown the bantams, she is known for using the sumatras for showmanship, except the few times she used a call duck and even a guinea, she likes the challenge of trainging LOL. To me it doesn't matter whether you show or not, its about the bird, same here for me first and foremost. I am fortunate we do well I Thank God for blessing us with this beautiful bird, and like you, when people come over its always what kind of bird is that? os that's a chicken? They always say they look like something wild.

Us too, we started with the hen given to us by another 4H family trying to clear out some coop room and she caught my eye right away, so unique looking! Then I fell in love with her personality and thanks to infinityhrt we have a gorgeous rooster for her and he is a wonderful rooster in the yard, always watching over the hens, but he keeps his space from us humans and I like that in a rooster. The roo's that chase the kids gotta go! And when people come over they are instantly drawn to him and that long black tail, his pics are all over facebook from everyone we know!
The word "national" is used indiscriminately these days. The only real nationals are assigned one time each year by the APA/ABA In various locations. The word "National" does not always mean a lot.


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