Sumatra Thread!


My main dun roosters spurs look like this, since he broke them all off
. I just wish that my main black rooster's spurs were also like this. His have to be filed down every few weeks with a key file, since his middle two spurs grow back into his legs.
My other black hen is recovering from the wet pox!!!!!! She had it so bad that it was blocking her wind pipe and she could not eat at all. Now there is only a little bit of that cheesish growth I pulled out!! She is eating a lot better and she is acting healthy! She is really skinny but she seems to be pulling thought. haha Never underestimate a determined chicken they will surprise you.
Not showing myself, but what other breeds are you showing? Good luck tomorrow.

Thats too bad, hoping to see and possibly purchase a few birds.... Besides my a Sumatra hen, pullet, and a cockerel I'm showing my best little Gold Sebright hen and a Mille Fleur Roo. I lost my best Mille hen late fall so I only have my roo left thats decent. My other mille hens have grown in too much white and not showable anymore. This is exciting!

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