Sumatra Thread!





What do you guys think of my Sumatra?
It is hard to tell. The tail should be fuller on your bird, she has what you would call a pinched tail. Your bird seens to have a low tail angle, she should have an angle at 15 degrees adove hrozonal. The head is small and should be more rounded and large. She looks to be small for the breed in my opinion. The color, back, beak, langth of tail, size of comb, legs, neak, wings, and the chest looks fine to me.
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Darkestchicks I feel this is important to say and to help you out. The tails on your birds need to connect better with the back. You want it nice and smooth with no ruffled feathers sticking up where the tail and back connect.
I appreciate your input! I was thinking those feathers would grow out as they matured?

This rooster looks "hen pecked" to me, often dominant birds will peck the saddle feathers at the base of the tail and it'll look like this so there is not the clean line from the back to the tail.

This rooster also has what champ called "ruffled feathers sticking up where the tail and back connect" but the bird is obviously still moulting so that could easily grow out as the bird matures like you said.

This hen has a blip of feathers there as well, again, I would just watch your flock for a while when you've got the time. When your birds enforce the pecking order do they just peck the other there as it walks by? I don't really believe in critiquing birds I've never actually seen based on photographs, and it's so hard to get good photographs to begin with. You've got two roosters (that I could see) and a number of hens so if after they fill in the top roo and the top hen have a nice smooth transition between back and tail and the rest don't you've got your answer right there. All the best,

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