Sumatra Thread!

Oh there is something about the blacks that has had me in love with for over 20 years. However, my husband is now hooked on the blues so that's a why we have blues :) I use to only show the blacks though. I have been following this thread for a long time now, and thought well its about time I join too. There is not a lot of people out here that you can talk "chicken" to let alone Sumatra. I enjoy it.
There's a woman here in nc I met at the flock swap that breeds the blacks but desperately wants blue for her program her name is Alana I told her I'd keep an eye out for blue breeders
Oh there is something about the blacks that has had me in love with for over 20 years. However, my husband is now hooked on the blues so that's a why we have blues :) I use to only show the blacks though. I have been following this thread for a long time now, and thought well its about time I join too. There is not a lot of people out here that you can talk "chicken" to let alone Sumatra. I enjoy it.
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Yeah most people who see mine just go "OOhh pretty", and than they are off to the next "OOh pretty" which is normally my polish. Most people around me just do backyard chickens so the breed and all gets lost on most. But it doesn't bother me too much. I still love them.
Oh there is something about the blacks that has had me in love with for over 20 years. However, my husband is now hooked on the blues so that's a why we have blues :) I use to only show the blacks though. I have been following this thread for a long time now, and thought well its about time I join too. There is not a lot of people out here that you can talk "chicken" to let alone Sumatra. I enjoy it.
I love the blacks too. Blues are nice but if they don't have
good lacing they are just not my cup of tea. I have a blue
pullet that is looking laced nicely so far......waiting to see
how good it is after that first molt.
I agree a nicely laced blue is lovely. Its a challenge but a fun one. Farmraised86, There are a few breeders on the east side that have really nice bantam blues. That would even make it better for her because there wouldn't be shipping.
Those of you who have bantam Sumatras, how are their personalities? Are they super flighty?

I'm considering getting into bantams, and I'm trying to decide on a breed, I really enjoyed my LF Sumatra... why not minis?
They are really smart just like the LF. I find them extremely docile and sweet. They are not flighty at all. I believe it really depends on how you raise them though. My 4 year old son can scoop them up by the handfuls :)

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