Sumatra Thread!

Northern winters can be tough, the woodstove runs 24/7 here for 7 months of the year, feels so good to come in and stand next to it! The snow is really coming down now, weatherman says a foot or more, my back hurts just thinking of all the shoveling!
I miss using a wood's the warmest of all heats and I
love it and if you use fragrant woods it will smell SO good too.

Pretty roo RF!!!!
Thank you for the comments, I also like how the picture turned out. I just wish it was a totally white back ground with maybe a few golden broom straw strands blowing in the wind. But I'll deal with what I got lol.
Ok Raph here's some pictures for you.

This is the "pretty" coop as its the only one painted. Bunch of free paint mixed into two 5 gallon buckets, and this is what I ended up with. Can't complain since it was free paint and does the job.

The amount of snowfall we have gotten so far and the roof to one of the other coops in the back ground.
love the coop color but i love pink too

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