Sumatra Thread!

Congrats Zach on the goat and rabbit wins........hope you do well
with your birds too
Love the Sri Lanka (first picture). Love his colors and his comb. Looks like a chainsaw blade. Too bad they are extremely hard to raise and breed, but I would love to see one in the wild in person.
Thank You for such great insight and information. That really hit the spot like a cup of coffe. Thank you

Congrads Zack Good Job

If you have any questions about ayam cemanis just ask I have them for awhile now. Did a chicken head count I have 108 chickens now. Can you say Buck Buck Buck were is my money going? To Feed LOL

Here is what I caught this morning in my have-no-heart-trap, loading up the 9mm now # 2 this week
A Big Turtle Man Scream

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Heres some pictures of the sumatras im showing and those young sumatras i got a few weeks ago.

The young sumatra cockerel above, he might be used next year.

Above and below is a light sussex cross sumatra.

I really like the look of the hen below.

Below is a hen who might be used next year.

The hen above is being shown tomorrow aswell.

The cockerel above is being shown tomorrow.
Quote: After the first discussion I realized that I had the parent stock and the first generation on the ground to see if the original posters claim of "if you cross a yellow skin bird to a white/ pink skin bird you will end up with only a very few of the offspring with white/ pink skin and the majority of the offspring would have good bright yellow skin". I had a mix pen with hens of white/ pink skin in with a yellow skin rooster for a layer flock. I don't hatch many off of this pen for replacement layers in any given year. After I realized this I went out and checked all of the chicks feet/ legs, all were white/ pink skin. I took the daughters from this group back to their sire, which made for another batch of all white/ pink skin offspring. I repeated this year with the new offspring. On the 3rd generation I am finally getting some offspring with dull/ pale yellow skin, and some with white/ pink skin. It's about half and half on the skin colors, but keep in mind these are all small batches of chicks as I only need so many replacement layers and can only fit so many extra roosters into the freezers.

From what I have seen here, crossing a yellow skin bird to a white/ pink skin bird will not produce offspring with yellow legs in the first generation. I guess I am starting to hit that recessive yellow gene in some of the 2nd generation daughters, that was also mentioned by another poster in that discussion, for me to be getting the yellow skin offspring that I got this time around. Next year I plan to only take the 3rd generation white/ pink skin daughters to a yellow skin rooster to see what I end up with. At a different time I might take the 3rd generation daughters with dull/ pale yellow skin back to a yellow skin rooster to see if the yellow color improves any.
Heres some pictures of the sumatras im showing and those young sumatras i got a few weeks ago.

The young sumatra cockerel above, he might be used next year.

Above and below is a light sussex cross sumatra.

I really like the look of the hen below.

Below is a hen who might be used next year.

The hen above is being shown tomorrow aswell.

The cockerel above is being shown tomorrow.
Ralph you have some beauts.

Thank You for such great insight and information. That really hit the spot like a cup of coffe. Thank you

Congrads Zack Good Job

If you have any questions about ayam cemanis just ask I have them for awhile now. Did a chicken head count I have 108 chickens now. Can you say Buck Buck Buck were is my money going? To Feed LOL

Here is what I caught this morning in my have-no-heart-trap, loading up the 9mm now # 2 this week
A Big Turtle Man Scream

Dang coons, too smart for their own good, I have lost a few chickens to them... I live in a no hunt county in town, which means the wildlife is everywhere, just they come out at night or while people are at work.

Do the Ayam Cemanis do well with other chickens, or are they more game fowl like? Any special diet concerns? Average longevity you have experienced? Laying average and tendencies? General size range?

I am kicking around the idea of getting an incubator and doing hatching eggs. I need to take a closer look at incubators.
Quote: When my mind gets cloudy I tend to think that other peoples birds are better than mine and I get nevus too. Once you calm down, take a closer look at all the birds. Who knows yours could be the best.
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