Sumatra Thread!

I mean visually pleasing, i sold the brown Sumatra to my neighbor, the brown Sumatra's mum is the one who has gone broody. I'm intrigued to see what we get from the cross.
Thank you for your answer. If you do get to go to Ohio (which I hope you do) will you drive straight through with other people (taking turns driving) or will you stop at hotels? If you stop at hotels, where do you put the vehicle with the birds in it so no one hears the roosters going off (mine go off at any time which is why I ask and I prefer not to be kicked out of a hotel at O am in the morning). Thanks for any information in this, if the kids get heavy into showing this could determine what shows and how far they get to go.

By the way, just seen a piece on the news about wild fires up in Washington and Oregon, hope none are near any of you guys and all stay safe. 

We will probably just drive straight through and take turns driving. When we go to a hotel, we just leave the birds in the car for the night, no one has complained yet.
We did have a wildfire not far from home last week that burned over 1000 acres and there is one closer to Spokane as well. It is hard for me to imagine living somewhere that doesn't have fire danger in summer tjough.
We will probably just drive straight through and take turns driving. When we go to a hotel, we just leave the birds in the car for the night, no one has complained yet.
We did have a wildfire not far from home last week that burned over 1000 acres and there is one closer to Spokane as well. It is hard for me to imagine living somewhere that doesn't have fire danger in summer tjough.
I love to travel and I love to drive and have taken some long
trips, even took the grandkids and DD on a summer trip coast
to coast and back again. I can not imagine traveling crowing
roosters for very long and not trying to trade off them at a rest
stop somewhere. Hope you have a quiet trip when you do go.
Zack how about these birds? I bought today. I paid 50 a piece the rooster has 6 spurs video of him tell me what you people think ... thank you all he has alot of beetle green alot
Hard to tell. They look in very rough condition which is normal for this time of year. If you could get side profiles that would help. Pictures are very hard to tell the true quality of a bird with out actually seeing it and holding it in person.
Got a few questions that hopefully someone will feel like answering. How far do you regularly travel when you show? How do you get to the show? How far would you go for a show? Just some stuff that popped in my head while I was feeding the critters.
I usually go to the shows within 3-4 hours I me which there are about 6 APA shows total depending on which ones I can make it out to. I always drive but I am planning on December taking an 11 hour drive out to TN. Ohio is about 9 hours and I plan to do that next year.
Got a few questions that hopefully someone will feel like answering. How far do you regularly travel when you show? How do you get to the show? How far would you go for a show? Just some stuff that popped in my head while I was feeding the critters.

We go to all the shows in Calif and NV. The dirive is 3 hours to 8 hours. I used to bring the birds on a plane the way the dog people do for shows in the midwest and east, but now I send them to friends and pick them up at the shows.

This is the van I use. We show 30-50 birds per show in the west. All the seats have been remove except the driver and passenger seat. The van has rear air conditioning.

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WOW! If my kids get into showing that much,hopefully it will be once they can help pay for a van just for the birds to travel in. Luckily the show that my kids will start showing at isn't too far from me and they won't be taking anywhere near that many birds, maybe 1 or 2 per a kid.

1-2 birds you can use any kind of I use this van around the farm for all kinds of things. It is my truck. There is a 4x8' box in the back so it is like a pick up truck in the rear. With the rear air is is great for hauling birds or dogs in hot weather.

So bummed out. I had a breeder in Ohio ship me out a box of 8 Salmon Faverolles LF chicks and only 3 mad it. She is going to send out replacements in two weeks. We traded birds so I have to send her out white fav bantams and a couple salmons.

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