Sumatra Thread!

im sorry if I'm gunking up the thread with quotes and no reply. still trying to figure out the whole posting thing
I'm's not you and please don't take it personal. I for one am considering
a different venue to chat and learn about this breed as it seems there will forever
be problems here.

You have some lovely birds but the pictures make it difficult to see the birds well.
Profile body shots and close up head shots help the best.
Good morning folks

We finally got a little rain Tuesday night/Wednesday morning and even
got a few light sprinkles yesterday. The trees are not droopy now and
the grass has actually grown enough to mow.....not just the weeds.

The chicks are growing like weeds except for Dora.........DH named
her. She has been a very independent chick since the beginning. She
also looks like Dora......tan body with a black mop-top.....she's a polish
so the mop even looks like the Dora hairdoo.
Dora explores everywhere
all day long and does not hang out with the other chicks and is tiny for
her age. It's odd as she does eat but refuses to eat the starter so maybe
that is why she is growing so slow.

hope everyone has a good day

It would also help if the picture was straight up and down, not angled forward to make it look flatter in the back.
yep was going to say the lettering at the bottom of the page is at an angle and not level, making the back tilted toward being level also, make the picture straight and the slope would be even more.
So does the bird in my avitar have a slight slope to the back and not level? or would that be considered horizontal?
Im getting myvfirst hive this spring. i am SO excited. my dad and sister have had bees for years. i find it interesting that chickens and beekeeping seem to go hand in hand. does anyone else on this thread keep bees? Do you have any tips??
I am surprised that non of you have figured it out yet. In order to fix the back of that upright sumatra your going to need a horizontal back female to fix it otherwise you will spend 5 or 6 years trying to breed it out. A lot of you don't seem to be very familiar with the breeding facts. This just proves it
I am sure many of us have figured out what the SOP is telling us on how to better our birds.
The breeding facts are we are trying to meet the SOP by using the descriptions provided
in the SOP and the facts stated there as a guide to improving the birds.
Im getting myvfirst hive this spring. i am SO excited. my dad and sister have had bees for years. i find it interesting that chickens and beekeeping seem to go hand in hand. does anyone else on this thread keep bees? Do you have any tips??

I don't have bees as I have a kid that freaks out when anything buzzes his ear. But I do have a few friends that do both bees and chickens. Kind of like chickens and horses.

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