Sumatra Thread!

Welcome Grannychick55. Don't be afraid to ask questions. We'll answer them if we can.
@Grannychick55 they are just like any other bird but a bit more flighty. I feed mine gamebird(turkey) feed. I get something called power protein pellets 27.7% protein and it costs $16 a 50lbs bag of feed. Inexpensive but great.
Welcome Grannychick......glad to meet you.
Thanks everyone for being so welcoming . Will be keeping up with this thread to learn all I can about this breed. Is it true they have 3 spurs on each leg ? And how big do they get also are they more aggressive than most other chickens ?
Mine are no more or less aggressive then my other breeds, each bird is it's own individual. They should have multiple spurs on each leg, number can vary by bird and even legs. The SOP listed weight is 5 lbs per cock (over a year old male bird) and 4 lb for a hen (also over a year old female).
Since it is summer, all of our sumatras seem to want chicks and have been sneaky about it. One of the dun hens was hiding in a hut in one of the grow out pens, I forgot all about her until yesterday when she had 4 chicks. There are 3 dun & 1 black, all of them have a bright head spot and slight back stripes which means one of the young legbar cockerels must be the father. Figure they will be called Sumbars. We'll probably keep them around until they get big enough to wean.
welcome Grannychick! I'm new to! i have 9 bantams. 5 are roos grrrrr. but they are beautiful. mine are very friendly. i have one roo who is beetle green with red tips. i am not sure if i willkeep him. But he is sweet. they are practicing crowing. so funny!
Since it is summer, all of our sumatras seem to want chicks and have been sneaky about it. One of the dun hens was hiding in a hut in one of the grow out pens, I forgot all about her until yesterday when she had 4 chicks. There are 3 dun & 1 black, all of them have a bright head spot and slight back stripes which means one of the young legbar cockerels must be the father. Figure they will be called Sumbars. We'll probably keep them around until they get big enough to wean.

You will have to post pics when they feather out.

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