Sumatra Thread!

As you guys know I have been wanting chickens again... and drooling over pretty much everyone's birds regardless of breed. I just miss having my birds, well some of my county rules have changed. Happy Dance

I addition dh knows I have been missing my birds and even he admitted he misses them. His favorite breeds we had ages ago were the Jungle Fowl & Naked Neck.

So I am going to be able to get some birds.

I am setting up for them in advance, have the area picked out in the yard I am going to prep for the coop... tomorrows job is weeding it, tearing up planting boxes and leveling it out. I am going to put the coop & run inside a metal fenced in area that has old herb boxes in it, but has vines growing on the fence for extra screening. I think I will also put a brick or paver type foundation down to set the coop and run on, maybe that will help prevent critters digging under & give the wood frame a little extra protection.

Then build the coop (I went with a kit coop, so it is small... but that is good, I would rather have a few well cared for birds to get restarted with then a bunch, and the size will force me to be good and only get a few birds). We spent today going around three counties looking at feed stores... for coops & chick availability (selection)... so hard not to buy a couple chicks. I am sure one place had Blue Sumatra Bantams in their mixed bantam box. Dh has shown me all black birds & various long tails as "cool", so I am thinking JF (the hens are pretty small) or bantam game or bantam phoenix or bantam sumatra would be a good choice.

Even though hubby kept suggesting various towns & counties to hunt for Feed Stores still open in & I did all the driving, the drive & looking at brands and various products available really tired him out (he has bone cancer and is going through chemo).

Anyhow he is sleeping right now, and I got to get dinner going.

Peace my friends.
As you guys know I have been wanting chickens again... and drooling over pretty much everyone's birds regardless of breed. I just miss having my birds, well some of my county rules have changed. Happy Dance

I addition dh knows I have been missing my birds and even he admitted he misses them. His favorite breeds we had ages ago were the Jungle Fowl & Naked Neck.

So I am going to be able to get some birds.

I am setting up for them in advance, have the area picked out in the yard I am going to prep for the coop... tomorrows job is weeding it, tearing up planting boxes and leveling it out. I am going to put the coop & run inside a metal fenced in area that has old herb boxes in it, but has vines growing on the fence for extra screening. I think I will also put a brick or paver type foundation down to set the coop and run on, maybe that will help prevent critters digging under & give the wood frame a little extra protection.

Then build the coop (I went with a kit coop, so it is small... but that is good, I would rather have a few well cared for birds to get restarted with then a bunch, and the size will force me to be good and only get a few birds). We spent today going around three counties looking at feed stores... for coops & chick availability (selection)... so hard not to buy a couple chicks. I am sure one place had Blue Sumatra Bantams in their mixed bantam box. Dh has shown me all black birds & various long tails as "cool", so I am thinking JF (the hens are pretty small) or bantam game or bantam phoenix or bantam sumatra would be a good choice.

Even though hubby kept suggesting various towns & counties to hunt for Feed Stores still open in & I did all the driving, the drive & looking at brands and various products available really tired him out (he has bone cancer and is going through chemo).

Anyhow he is sleeping right now, and I got to get dinner going.

Peace my friends.
If I can help let me know.
As you guys know I have been wanting chickens again... and drooling over pretty much everyone's birds regardless of breed. I just miss having my birds, well some of my county rules have changed. Happy Dance

I addition dh knows I have been missing my birds and even he admitted he misses them. His favorite breeds we had ages ago were the Jungle Fowl & Naked Neck.

So I am going to be able to get some birds.

I am setting up for them in advance, have the area picked out in the yard I am going to prep for the coop... tomorrows job is weeding it, tearing up planting boxes and leveling it out. I am going to put the coop & run inside a metal fenced in area that has old herb boxes in it, but has vines growing on the fence for extra screening. I think I will also put a brick or paver type foundation down to set the coop and run on, maybe that will help prevent critters digging under & give the wood frame a little extra protection.

Then build the coop (I went with a kit coop, so it is small... but that is good, I would rather have a few well cared for birds to get restarted with then a bunch, and the size will force me to be good and only get a few birds). We spent today going around three counties looking at feed stores... for coops & chick availability (selection)... so hard not to buy a couple chicks. I am sure one place had Blue Sumatra Bantams in their mixed bantam box. Dh has shown me all black birds & various long tails as "cool", so I am thinking JF (the hens are pretty small) or bantam game or bantam phoenix or bantam sumatra would be a good choice.

Even though hubby kept suggesting various towns & counties to hunt for Feed Stores still open in & I did all the driving, the drive & looking at brands and various products available really tired him out (he has bone cancer and is going through chemo).

Anyhow he is sleeping right now, and I got to get dinner going.

Peace my friends.
Glad to hear that your DH and you will be able to enjoy some birds again. Good luck getting everything ready and with getting a few birds.
As you guys know I have been wanting chickens again... and drooling over pretty much everyone's birds regardless of breed. I just miss having my birds, well some of my county rules have changed. Happy Dance

I addition dh knows I have been missing my birds and even he admitted he misses them. His favorite breeds we had ages ago were the Jungle Fowl & Naked Neck.

So I am going to be able to get some birds.

I am setting up for them in advance, have the area picked out in the yard I am going to prep for the coop... tomorrows job is weeding it, tearing up planting boxes and leveling it out. I am going to put the coop & run inside a metal fenced in area that has old herb boxes in it, but has vines growing on the fence for extra screening. I think I will also put a brick or paver type foundation down to set the coop and run on, maybe that will help prevent critters digging under & give the wood frame a little extra protection.

Then build the coop (I went with a kit coop, so it is small... but that is good, I would rather have a few well cared for birds to get restarted with then a bunch, and the size will force me to be good and only get a few birds). We spent today going around three counties looking at feed stores... for coops & chick availability (selection)... so hard not to buy a couple chicks. I am sure one place had Blue Sumatra Bantams in their mixed bantam box. Dh has shown me all black birds & various long tails as "cool", so I am thinking JF (the hens are pretty small) or bantam game or bantam phoenix or bantam sumatra would be a good choice.

Even though hubby kept suggesting various towns & counties to hunt for Feed Stores still open in & I did all the driving, the drive & looking at brands and various products available really tired him out (he has bone cancer and is going through chemo).

Anyhow he is sleeping right now, and I got to get dinner going.

Peace my friends.

Glad to hear you and DH are enjoying setting up for and getting birds again.
Hope you find everything you want and have a good time with them.
Hope your DH is well soon and in remission.
This is the area I am attacking today, the before pictures. I am part way there, taking a break for water & food (breakfast). Other areas are just as over grown in the back as I have been working and sick too and BY is a Jungle now... I already mowed a huge section of the back yard, but the mower's engine needs to cool down now before I can do more. I think I will only need to tear out two herb beds, the rest can stay... yes there are herbs under all that grass & wheat.
I have a very healthy wild eco system it appears in the back yard. I am bummed though the storm that came through has landed a huge tree limb in the yard... I am going to have to chain saw it up. I hope we have one in the garage still... sigh. My poor power tools are over heating, not all the weeds are grass so it is too much for some of the power tools.

I will post progress pictures after I get the first part of weeding done. Hubby can not help with any of this he has trouble walking and is too weak, he will get hurt out here.
It's 11:00 am my time about & I have hand pulled the lion's share of the weeds and can now see what is alive, which beds have nothing growing and am now ready to go find the shovel and start moving dirt, rock & beds:

There are beds I have never been able to get anything but weeds to grow well in, I think they don't get enough light so I am thinking I will yank those out and level that area.

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