Sumatra Thread!

yep, when you put a black to blue, 3/4 or better will be all black still. I switched out to blue ros and it seems to help the ratio a little more. Also set up some solid blue pairs to get more splash out of them too.
As for being flighty, none of my bantams have ever been. hens are very gentle and tame, have to move them out of your way in their pens most the time. The roos are usually gentle , but will try you from time to time, seems more aggressive on the black roos than the blue roos too.
sumatras are awesome, when I let them out of the coop they take off flying around it,like doing the dance of the rain or something then they just end it with a smooth landing.
sumatras are not a ordinary chickens

nope that's true they arent ordinary.
They are two unordinary chickens in one actually, a game, and a longtail. and the multi spur and yellow feet deal is pretty cool too.
Cant wait til next spring to see my new hatched splash bantams in full show
Maybe the largefowl are the spazes, cause mine just never stop. My roo squeals when I handle him and my hen pecks me. I love to look at them though and the roo has never attacked me.

They also flip out in the show cages.

I'm to partial to the blacks to switch to a blue roo. I love the green and purple sheen they have on them. I also have the blue ratios in the mix to make my eggs a tad more valuable, at least to me.
My Sumatra hen is also the best broody i've had. I'm never worried about her and her chiocks running around. She has all of the cats scared of her. They know to steer clear of her when she has babies.

She's also an oober mean broody. I hate checking under her for chicks.
I have noticed that the splash and blue sumatras have the dark green legs totally different from the black sumatras , is this the case on your splash ones?

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I agree all chickens get happy when they get loose, but I never have seen a chicken with the ability to fly like sumatras,I had OGB and gamepit chickens like kelsos,hatch and they never flew or show such of wild behavior

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