Sumatra Thread!

My Blue hen is finally done molting!! I'm still backed up on the lights, though, so I may have to wait until spring.
Here are some updated pics of mine at 17 weeks old




A couple of mine have evidence of mixing with a cochin somewhere in their history, as evident by some leg feathering and one has some brown tips on his hackle feathers. I'm trying to rehome 2 cockerels and keep the biggest, which is also the purest, and breed him with the 3 pullets, who also seem very pure.

Anyone have details as far as the egg laying schedules for the pullets?
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mine are all bantams, but they usually start the following spring from hatch. usually 8 months old or so is the earliest any have laid. They will lay one every day - every other day in spurts for me, usually a month, then a week or two break, then back at it again. Usually lay here from Feb.- Oct.

I have mulitple hens in each pen, so it's hard to know exactly whos doing what, but if the pen has 4-6 hens, I'll get 3-4 eggs a day while they are laying
Alright, i just saw some pics of dun/chocolate and khaki sumatras and now i have to have some!!!! How do i go about making them? Do i use dun OEGB? HELP!!!!!!!!!!
the closer to the correct type you can find, the better, will be hard, that's why there arent many out there. I have one hen in dun and pln to breed the heck out of her this year to make more of my own. will let you know how it goes
my favorite two hens


im gonna use this rooster to get more splash sumatras
he is not a full breed, his offsprings will be close enough to what I want
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thank you
his mom was game hen x with a white aseel
her color was white splash
so I crossed that hen with a black sumatra
and that's the result
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