Sumatra Thread!

should be all 4 colors due to platinum being part blue and part dun. Should get an even mix of black, blue and dun and platinum. BUT I have never done this breeding, just going of what the odds should be due to the gentics involved. Henk69 is working with platinum birds right now, he will know for sure
That's what I thought and that's excellent.
I'll PM Henk69 and see what he has to say too.

I'm thinking about starting a Platinum/Dun Araucana project with this little one, too. I'm really excited to have this bird!
I think I may have a dun or two in the batch of chicks from shipped eggs. I only had 7 chicks out of 27 hatch, the khaki (of course) was a failure to thrive so I have 6 total chicks that are a few weeks old now.

I took him for a blue, but he has a completely different cast to his feathers coming in than the two obvious blues. His feathers look much closer to the black chick but maybe just a shade lighter. There is another just like him that looks like it may be a hen (judging purely from the spur nubs and attitude at this point so could easily be wrong). Then there is a chick that seems like it's an even dice toss between dun or blue (feathers are nearly two tone looking)- I'm taking that one for a blue just because there were only 3 dun eggs in the shipment to begin with, so it's unlikely that all 3 hatched.

Does anyone have dun sumatra chick photos that I can compare with? Here's some photos to compare the chicks I have. First one is the "questionable dun" chick.


Here's the obviously blue chick:


And here's the obviously black chick:


Opinions? These chicks are all from the same batch, hatched within a day from each other, as shipped eggs from a self-identified show breeder. The first one shows a lot of dilution as opposed to a traditional black, but it sure doesn't look blue.
It could be Dun, I've never seen a Dun colored bird in person before so I don't have a lot of experience, honestly it does sort of look dark Blue to me though.

Who did you get the eggs from?
I just hatched about 6 dun bantam chicks, and have a lot of dun d'anvers, The chicks always hatch out a smokey grey color, very different from black or blue. The khaki will be a smokey tan chick. They do get some odd colors in this teenage stage. If they were smokey grey at hatch, then you have dun. To me top looks dark blue, middle splash, bottom black

Will try to get some pics if i get time of the true dun sumatra chicks for you to compare by
Thanks folks

I wasn't aware the blues had so much variety. The questionable chick and another just like it hatched so much lighter than the middle chick that I thought they were splash...then I started seeing the feather difference and was perplexed.

I got the eggs from a self-identified show breeder in Florida - yes, the one that is always listing those khaki eggs on ebay. I've had exactly one out of 12 khaki eggs hatch, and only 3 develop at all. That one that hatched was a failure to thrive, it never showed a bit of interest in food, pecking things, etc. That chick was clearly a khaki, it was a very light color all over, no darkness at all except on the legs.

So far the black and blue chicks look nice, though, so I'm happy. It's been very hard to find sumatra at all here, much less good ones, so I'm not to aggravated about the prices, although the egg viability on the khakis is a bit annoying. I did pick up a really nice trio of blacks at an exotic sale last weekend - they are young adults (still peeping sometimes) and *very* nice looking (if a little rough from the sale crate).
Oh, wonderful! I'm glad I found this thread, I'm wanting to maybe get some Black Sumatras next season. I'm loving all the pictures! This beautiful breed needs more attention, I think.
OK, I'm officially in the market for a pair or trio of bantams. Prefer all blue, but would also consider a blue roo with black hens. Anybody have anything available?


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