Sumatra Thread!

My Sumatras have finally started laying! I have 3 eggs in the bator so far, I'm hoping all 3 of those eggs hatch and are either Dun or Platinum. :D
All the birds are seperated and settling in to the new pens and penmates. It was nice having the roosters in bachelor pads, this way we can add the hens to pens and not have to worry about them carrying other roosters 'seed'. It turned out there was a black sumatra hen that I didn't know we had, she escaped the bird counts both times. So the dun cockerel is in with the dun hen and 2 black hens and there are 2 black bantam cocks with 3 bantam blue hens and 2 black bantam hens. The inbetween late maturing cockerel is in the extra pen just in case he is needed. The dun cockerel got very large, much larger than I expected but it looks like he is out of one of the 'domestic' black cocks we had. By domestic I mean more lose and wide feathering. His face is also more mulberry than black but it could change since he was kept in a darker pen.

I was able to get a few pics today when the sun was out but I am having issues with my camera tonight so I will try to upload them tomorrow
All the birds are seperated and settling in to the new pens and penmates. It was nice having the roosters in bachelor pads, this way we can add the hens to pens and not have to worry about them carrying other roosters 'seed'. It turned out there was a black sumatra hen that I didn't know we had, she escaped the bird counts both times. So the dun cockerel is in with the dun hen and 2 black hens and there are 2 black bantam cocks with 3 bantam blue hens and 2 black bantam hens. The inbetween late maturing cockerel is in the extra pen just in case he is needed. The dun cockerel got very large, much larger than I expected but it looks like he is out of one of the 'domestic' black cocks we had. By domestic I mean more lose and wide feathering. His face is also more mulberry than black but it could change since he was kept in a darker pen.

 I was able to get a few pics today when the sun was out but I am having issues with my camera tonight so I will try to upload them tomorrow

I will be patiently waiting for eggs from your Dun pen. :D And for pictures of your domestic looking boy, honestly he sounds like a bird I would like.

My girls have started giving me eggs sparsely, I have 5 in the incubator right now.
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Ok, the album is public so you should be able to see them. I hope to have eggs for sale in the next month or so. The hen with the better type was off setting so she isn't laying, it is just the dun hen laying right now.
Ok, the album is public so you should be able to see them. I hope to have eggs for sale in the next month or so. The hen with the better type was off setting so she isn't laying, it is just the dun hen laying right now.

I would be interested in some dun eggs when you have them available. I sent a friend request on Facebook.
Ok, the album is public so you should be able to see them. I hope to have eggs for sale in the next month or so. The hen with the better type was off setting so she isn't laying, it is just the dun hen laying right now.

They look like great birds, especially those Black hens that you have penned with the Dun pair. I love that one girls tail.

Your roo is Dun right? Is he really dark?

I'll be counting down the days until you are ready to start selling eggs!
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The friend request didn't show up at first until I went looking for it, lol. We should have eggs in about a month or so and hopefully all three hens will be laying before too long. One of the black hens in the picture has a nice smooth sweep of the tail which is what I look for in the sumatra hens. She is the one that vanished and was broody so I really hope to get some dun chicks from her this year too.
Soli, do you have any sumatra hens? I was looking at your pictures and just saw the rooster.

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