Sumatra Thread!

My first chicks started hatching out yesterday! There are all kinds of eggs in the incubator but i had 9 sumatra eggs in there. And i know for fact someof them have hatched. Cant get them out of the incubator yet,not dry. They could be black or maybe blue as i rotate my roosters in and out with my 2 hens. I have a black rooster and 2 splash. Anyone got some pics i can look at or new borns? Wanting to know what i am looking at here. This is my first sumatra hatch
My first chicks started hatching out yesterday! There are all kinds of eggs in the incubator but i had 9 sumatra eggs in there. And i know for fact someof them have hatched. Cant get them out of the incubator yet,not dry. They could be black or maybe blue as i rotate my roosters in and out with my 2 hens. I have a black rooster and 2 splash. Anyone got some pics i can look at or new borns? Wanting to know what i am looking at here. This is my first sumatra hatch

Here is i picture of some of my bantam sumatras I hatched out this year.
One of the blue Sumatra cockerels showing how "game" he isn't ;) He has more or less grown up with most of these Phoenix, although he's a couple months older. Birds in photo are between 7 months (Sumatra) and 2-5 months (Phoenix)

One of the blue Sumatra cockerels showing how "game" he isn't ;) He has more or less grown up with most of these Phoenix, although he's a couple months older. Birds in photo are between 7 months (Sumatra) and 2-5 months (Phoenix)

I love this picture! He looks like he's too cool for those blond punks.
Oh the joys of sumatra chicks. The older chicks already flew out of the brooder so they went to the cages in the shed. Well now the 2 week old sumatra chicks are roosting on the edge of the brooder. They grow up so fast!
I hear you FMP, my Sumatra chicks are little hellions. I moved them from the house to the garage when they started roosting on the side of their brooder, leaving little chickie presents all over the hardwood... then in the garage they learned to fly and starting to roost in the low rafters! The older chicks would hop up on the side of the brooder and fly up to the low hanging beams, then they would huddle squished together because they got cold... it was then that I decided to put a lid on their new larger brooder area.

After selling any Black and Blue chicks I am left now with 5 Dun chicks and 3 Platinum chicks. I feel like this will be a good start to the project, my next plan is outcrossing to a line of SQ BBS birds. I've already seen improvements in these young birds though, my original Platinum cock had feather stubs on his legs when he hatched, only 2 of his offspring showed stubs at hatch and they have now completely disappeared.. Their overall size seems to be bigger too.
Question? I have some young sumatra chicks. It is the first time I have raised this breed. How old do the chicks have to be before you can sex them? My oldest ones are 3 months old and I think I have a pair of them. I know one is a pullet because it has developed its tail feathers real fast. The other one I think is a cockerel. Its tail has not developed yet. Is this one way of sexing this breed? I also have 8 young bantam sumatras that I hatched out. All of them have developed tails already. They are only 2 months old. Is it possible they are all pullets? I will take some pics and post them later.
Question? I have some young sumatra chicks. It is the first time I have raised this breed. How old do the chicks have to be before you can sex them? My oldest ones are 3 months old and I think I have a pair of them. I know one is a pullet because it has developed its tail feathers real fast. The other one I think is a cockerel. Its tail has not developed yet. Is this one way of sexing this breed? I also have 8 young bantam sumatras that I hatched out. All of them have developed tails already. They are only 2 months old. Is it possible they are all pullets? I will take some pics and post them later.
My bantam sumatras

Question? I have some young sumatra chicks. It is the first time I have raised this breed. How old do the chicks have to be before you can sex them? My oldest ones are 3 months old and I think I have a pair of them. I know one is a pullet because it has developed its tail feathers real fast. The other one I think is a cockerel. Its tail has not developed yet. Is this one way of sexing this breed? I also have 8 young bantam sumatras that I hatched out. All of them have developed tails already. They are only 2 months old. Is it possible they are all pullets? I will take some pics and post them later.
My older pair


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