
Holy moly!
That is an INCREDIBLE looking bird! If you EVER sell khaki eggs-I WANT SOME!
Sheesh he is gorgeous!

I am looking for people who want to show and breed the khaki sumatra. I do not know how to sell eggs so once I learn I will get you some here are some of my pics...and yes, my rooster's comb should be slightly darker--but he was locked inside most of the winter and now that he's out and seeing other roosters, it ain't pretty. LOL Once I get my lattice work up and the sun comes out (and stays out) that should help and I'll update some pics later. Ed Hart lines.




Tail to the wind, ROO


My Sumatra Frank is 8 1/2 months old and has always been pretty mild mannered(with me-not other birds). He decided to take a whack at me last night, but quickly backed down-anyone else having this problem with a roo of that age? Seems like he would have tried before now, doesn't it?
Don't worry, I still love him.
As soon as learn how to do it you two are on the top of the list.

I will be waiting anxiously for that, countrymom Thanks!
Roos are pretty horomonal at that age. There's a reason the older cockerels are called stags! If he tries it again, pick him up and haul him around a bit. Haha. That usually works for me. He'll probably mellow out when he's a little older--a few months--sometimes they just start thinking they're "all that" about then and feel as if they have something to prove, or just want to give it a shot.

Mine started attacking my brother around that age, though... and he still hasn't stopped. Hmm. It's never anybody else. Just Seth. Weird. Probably because he runs away, I think. He's thinking he's won and it inflates his ego. Young roosters have to limit to their ego. They must be humbled by being carried around for half an hour like handbags.
I've been raising them in bantam blacks and blue laced for a couple years now. Will post pics when I have a little time to spare.
Love that khaki wish they were bantam!!
Anyway, we are culling heavily on ours to keep the multi spur and yellow foot pad genes going strong in them, georgious birds! Have to say, mine too are some of the gentlest birds I have, out bantam phoenix roos are more aggressive toward me than these sumatras, Kind of a role reversal in the breeds, LOL
Anyhow, I get some pics up when I get back in
i have a bantam black with triple spurs on each leg and hes not aggressive but you shouldnt be surprised if a standard does that.keep in mind sumatras are suposed to be gamefowl so dont be surprised if he takes on the dog or some hawks.if you have dog problems get an asil or shamo. asils hit hard and shamos are just freaking tall.

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