summer egg watching!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 6, 2009
Im 13 years old my mom said if i want chickes i have to watch them all summer even tho i dont want to but i want to too what do you think i really havent done much so far this summer anyways.
If your mom tells you that if you get chicks and you have to watch over them but you don't want to then I'd say you better not get chicks. If you don't want to take responsibility for a living breathing creature then you don't belong having them.

I am not trying to sound mean but I have a 15 year old daughter that has many times asked for a puppy and yet she never wants to take care of the puppy. I end up with that responsibility and more.

Last August when she pleaded with her dad for a puppy he made it clear that if she wasn't the one to care for the puppy then it would be sold to someone else. I ended with the house breaking part but when my daughter is home she has to be the one to care for it.

Puppies and chicks are cute when you first get them but they are a big responsibility. I have found through my daughter that the newness wears off within a week or two then its the adults that becomes the caretakers.

Think about this: Who is going to feed and water the chicks when you are wanting to go to your friends house or somewhere? Are you going to want to make sure they have food and water and clean up after them? Chickens are pretty messy and they like to get their shavings in the water and food so you have to check their water and food pretty often.

Again, I am not trying to be mean. If you wanted to be the one to be responsible for these chicks then I would say go for it.
I'm with pkw on this one.

If you hatch chicks you are taking on a commitment. They have to be properly cared for every day whether you feel like it at the time or not. The right amount of heat, clean water, feed, no over crowding, protection from predators. Their lives depend on you doing your job right and on time.

Now having said all of that if you are willing to make the commitment to hatching your own then raising them can be enormously rewarding. I have a batch in the box right now that are hatching that my kids find endlessly fascinating. They're less fascinated with having to clean up after them and doing the necessary chores every day when they come home, but that's part of the deal you are making. You'll learn a lot and have some neat stories to tell. There will be setbacks, problems, possibly even disasters, but you'll learn a lot about chickens, yourself, and life in general.

If you're willing to make the commitment then I say go for it. But once they hatch the deal is done. No changing your mind. Go forward with the mission and have fun.
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