Summer Quilt Block Swap-Due August 15th.

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Rockingbearanch I have you down

4 more spaces to go !!
I really enjoyed the first one Ya'll let me join. Katsdar- is there something simple that we could all do to be able to tell who (screen name) made each block? I wouldn't want anyone to get poked with straight pins while pulling out their blocks so pinning a little piece of paper with the screen name on the square may not work but what about whipping a couple of hand stitches through a screen name paper instead? Thread can be snipped, no pricking the fingers and no damage to blocks. Just a thought as I still don't know who did some of the blocks from the last swap.
Cknldy I have you down.

3 more spaces to go.

We could do that what you suggested, I know some of us post pics of our blocks.
I sewed a tiny label to all my and fenrosie's blocks for the last 'chicken fabric' block swap. The blocks haven't been shared out yet but if you were in that swap you'll see them soon. All I did was make a table in Word, type in the one cell and then copied that to all the cells. I sewed them on the evening before I posted them. I had a visitor and they did half the blocks. It was actually quite a pleasurable and sociable activity believe it or not. I was trying to avoid weight & sharp objects through international mail.

I have over half the labels left, ready for the green/white hunter's star swap - I'm on my last four blocks for that so they'll be on their way by Saturday.
She hasn't let me forget that she had to sew my labels on !
We had fun a couple of weeks ago when I asked her round for dinner and we both ended up sewing beads on to bunting for my mothers surprise 80th birthday party. We had great fun that ended with a glorious desert - magnolia bakery's famous banana pudding - thanks to lacy blues who sent us the Nilla wafers ( in exchange for some uk goods)
The party was this last Sunday and it truly was a surprise! Mums waiting for a heart op and I did think for a moment that we may have finished her off!!
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