Summer Quilt Block Swap-Due August 15th.

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No, but have dark green batik fabric ready to do so!
Can't wait for the kids to go back to school. It's my daughters 13th birthday on 5th sept, which is the day they go back to school. She has talked the Daddy person into letting her have a party at home so I will have to tidy up when I could be sewing! Party sat 7th so sewing will begin in earnest on mon 9th!:D
No, but have dark green batik fabric ready to do so!
Can't wait for the kids to go back to school. It's my daughters 13th birthday on 5th sept, which is the day they go back to school. She has talked the Daddy person into letting her have a party at home so I will have to tidy up when I could be sewing! Party sat 7th so sewing will begin in earnest on mon 9th!
Happy B-day, Mine was always the first day of school too the 3rd of sept. I hated it. I would beg my mom not to send me. But she would paint the bathroom mirror with happy birthday so it was the first thing I saw in the morning. And something special would be done to my room for when I came home from school. My brother's is the 2nd of sept, my father's was the 7th, my grandma's was the 9th and I have a great nephew that is the 9th, lots of Sept babies. Must have been a few cold winters
Wow a teenager. So what are teen girls into nowadays I have no young kids around so I have no idea what is in and what is out. The toys nowadays are something else too. Course I was a tomboy and I didn't want girl toys, I used to ask for boy toys because they were better. I think growing up with 5 brothers had something to do with it. I have a sister but she is soooo different we don't even look alike. She is so girlie.
Well I can't wait to see your quilt top when you get it done, and of course the whole quilt, I have not done really anything to my chickens waiting on ideas. Happy Birthday Rosiejr.
My blocks came in the mail today. I just wanted to thank everyone for the beautiful blocks and a special thanks to Kat for all her hard work. Its been a very rewarding experience and I look forward to jumping in on another swap sometime in the future.
Oh my gosh! I received the blocks today...absolutely gorgeous! Such bright colors and wonderful patterns too:) Thank you very much everyone! And Lacyblues- the seams will be fine, the block is beautiful.
littlechicklet glad you enjoyed this swap, and we look forward to seeing you in a future swap.

I love reading your posts after you get your blocks, they are very beautiful.
I'm doing the Happy Chicken Dance!!
My blocks came in today! I love them all so colorful and interesting. thank you everyone. I had to take a pic of them all on my new? 1903 treadle sewing machine, it's not ready to sew with yet but will be soon.
Woops I think that we are not suppose to show pic.s before everyone has these....deleet

I opened the shuttle door up so you could see the little green sponge that has oil on it. you were supposed to swipe the shuttle on it every time you began to sew???

I fell for this one because of the art nouveau decorations, and the case is in wonderful shape. Also I got it for $52.00

Karen ~ Northeastern Oregon
Got my blocks today! Thanks to everybody for all your hard work and participation. It takes all of us to make a successful swap!

I'm thinking I might put some of them together to make a tote that the ladies in a local quilting group are making this week. That will be fun. We'll see how it turns out and I'll share pics!
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