Sunrise brought my Rainbows - PICS

~*Sweet Cheeks*~

10 Years
Mar 12, 2009
Medford, Oregon
With the sunrise this morning the P.O. called - I answered "do you have my little chirpings?" With chirping in the background, the guy says "oh, are they calling for their mother!".

No make-up, bed hair, and my feeding the critter's cloths on - WHO CARES - I head to the P.O. as the sun is rising.

MPC 25 Rainbow Special (with one extra) shipped 9/21 from Ohio arriving 6 am 9/23 in Olympia, WA all safe and sound. One little one I think is a SLW was standing off falling asleep while all the others were drinking and eating and running about. I dipped it's beak in the water again and then it went over and ate with the rest and now I can't tell which one it was.

I think I got at least 3 EE's and from what I can tell a lot of the ones I asked the new Rep to put on my order that I was hoping for which was EE's, Light Brown Leghorns, Golden and/or Silver Laced Wyandottes, White Plymouth Rocks, Specked Sussex.

What does everyone think I got?




Are these White Plymouth Rocks? Edit: MPC pics show these are White Leghorns based on the yellow legs. The White Rocks had darker legs.

Light Brown Leghorns?



I think this greyish brown with the lamb chops is EE

Another EE looking one

EE or ? It's greyish yellow with lamb chops
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The little ones that are light with brown coming to a point on top of their heads look like what I got at the Feed Store, called Ameracuna's. They are about 20 weeks old now, have greenish legs and look like little red headed hawks. So I think they are they EE's you asked for. Any idea what the baby speckled sussex looks like?
Congratulatiions on your new babies! Are they just an addition to your flock, or do you have something special planned for them?
Well i got a shipment of single comb brown leghorns and they looked like little chipmonks and its looks like you also got a few of those. they are the prettiest birds ive seen with the gold around there necks, im really happy with mine and im sure you will be too!!!
The sunrise pic is great. I was looking around online and found out there is a large forest fire in central OR that is bringing smoke up to WA.

Cute chicks! You should see my four now... totally scarggely!
The white ones could be leghorns or white plymouth rocks, it's hard to tell until they start growing.
#2 would be your brown leghorns, I got a lot of those in my shipment.
#3 is your SLW, I got quite a few of those as well.
#4 is the black austrolorps, again got some in mine.

And the rest are your adorable, puffy-cheeked EE, of which I got NONE!!

ETA: Some of your 'brown leghorns' look to be different colors? If so, there are probably more than one breed there. There are quite a few breeds that look like little chipmunks as babies.
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Why oh why did I look??? I've been resisting the temptation to order the Rainbow Special from I fear my resistance has been broken.
The speckled sussex are a reddish chipmunk with very light pink legs. I believe the GLW are darker with golden yellow legs. Why am I looking at chick pics--this is dangerous!...

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