Supplemental light (not heat) in winter


Feb 20, 2015
Willamette Valley, Oregon

I'm trying to think ahead to what my parents on I will need to do to overwinter our chickens, and was wondering if we will need to provide them with supplemental light. My understanding is that my parents plan to keep them for life, so I don't believe the rate of egg laying is a factor. However, I did noticed that our chickens are on the go from when we let them out (around 6) to dusk (around 9). So, I can't imagine they would be happy running around just from 9-4 (which is what our daylight hours are in December). Do we let them out regardless of how light it is, or do we need to plan to compensate for the lack of daylight?

Thanks, Susan
They go to bed at dusk, just the same, just like the rest of the diurnal critters. No need to supplement light unless you are concerned about egg production. They are likely happier without it. Definitely don't put them out in the dark; they have poor night vision and there are predators!
x2 I don't supplement heat or light. They are perfectly adapted to following the sunset/sunrise, no matter how long or short the time between is. I want my girls to get a break from laying in the winter, as their bodies are programmed to do. That doesn't mean we don't get any eggs at all in the winter and very early spring. But the only reason for supplementing light is for egg production. So I just let them follow what they are programmed to do - rest in the winter. They don't have watches, so they don't notice what time it is anyway.
The key is to not
Thanks all for your replies.  I will not worry about supplemental light then, and I may try the vaseline trick depending on how cold it gets.

the key is not to build up moisture so that means clean the coop more often and at night take the water away till the morning

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