Suprise, it's a chicken!


RIP 1975-2022
May 23, 2017
Greenville S.C, formerly Noneya U.S.A
The title says it all folks. These were the words that came out of my husband's mouth as he sat a large cardboard box at my feet last night. I'm the proud recipient of one single Dominique pullet. The pullet was the last survivor of a fad flock all her mates eaten and herself homeless.She was roosting in a window getting scolded for pooping on the porch. She's just a teenager maybe four months very handlable and seems nice. Obviously she's in chicken jail for the time being and I get to do the one thing I said I'd never do again, intergrate one single chicken. Yay.
I'm going to be straight with you I didn't think mine would either. He sat her down on my porch in the dark so I had no idea what the term "chicken" entailed. Plus he was telling me her hard luck story, so I'm thinking I've got to look her over. I stuck my hands in the box and hit softness I was not expecting a soft girl. She's surprisingly in good condition, a little bit thin but nothing food won't fix. I do like her and I've got some close to her age so maybe it won't be too bad. Big thing I learned is hubby is a softie, and we are probably going to end up being chicken hoarders.
My husband would never surprise me with a chicken :(
AAAWWWW! A Dom. I keep a closed flock. But if there is any one breed I'd bend that policy for, it would be a Dom. I absolutely LOVE them. Can you place her in a separate safe area for quarantine, and then after that period, place one of your other pullets in with her? This will serve 2 purposes: it will give her a buddy to integrate with, and also provide a sacrificial "canary" so that you can see if either the Dom or your flock is carrying any latent disease. Then, after a week or so, you can introduce the 2 "new girls" to the rest of the flock.
She's in a quarantine pen right now and I'm having my vet come out around two to get poop and blood samples and get a thorough crawlie check. Once I'm sure she's ok I'll put her with my faverolles, i think they will be very good introduction buddies. I've got two pullets with absolutely no pull in the pecking order so it should work out good. Plus they're favs I couldn't pay them to bully anybody.
Vet came, took the samples looked her over from tip to tail. No bugs she's got some bites on her wattles and she had a super tiny fish hook in her foot. She is a little thin but I already knew that her crop was pretty much empty last night. I did get to speak to her former owner and the girl has had a crappy diet nothing but scratch and whatever else she could find on her own. I'm naming her Hobo seems fitting I hope her tests come back clear because honestly she's a keeper.

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