surprise broody in the coop!!**UPDATE**2 BABIES W/PICS!!

That is SO cute!
momma taught them how to peck at the food today!! and drink water! it's amazing how nature works, without our help. it's just reassurance that God works in mysterious ways!!

still holding out hope for the other 2 eggs. she is staying put on them, while to little fuzzies run around under her. I will give it a few more days. heck the ones we were wanted to hatch out the most are the ones that haven't yet.

will keep this post updated frequently
Awww babies are adorable! I would hold the unhatched eggs up to your ear and see if you can hear anything, any crunching sounds or chirping. If you don't hear anything from then they may not hatch
I sure hope they do tho!
I thought so. It looks like there is almost no difference in appearance between RIR hens and RSL hens. This broody babe looks exactly like my RIR hens, but is called an RSL. Even the pics in the breed glossary are very close. Unless I'm missing something.
Sex Links are a breed that can be sexed by color. When they are born, the males and females are different colors. Sex links are a little lighter, and will usually lay alot more eggs. They also have tails that are white sometimes.

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