Survey about your CHICKENS!!!

What made you choose a particular breed of chicken?

We started out with SLWs, RIRs, Buff Minorcas and Brown Leghorns 3 years ago.

Was there a chicken breed that you regretted getting?

I'll probably never buy Brown Leghorns again, out of 10, only 1 of them is sweet and friendly. The rest of the gals are snooty and mean LOL

What other breeds do you want to add to your flock?

I just got a 7 month old Cuckoo Maran Roo from someone that was going to put him down so I'd love to get him some girls. I also want some Partridge Rocks, Barred Rocks, Columbian Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons,ARAUCANA BANTAMS and BUFF JAPANESE. I love the look of the Silkies and would love to get some but my DH says absolutely not ...some day I might "sneak" a couple into the yard LOL

For any of the above questions, if the gender of the bird has affected/does affect your answers, can you explain why?

I love my Roos and have given many away to new homes. I'd love to keep them all but it's too hard on the poor Hens.

What made you choose a particular breed of chicken?
blue cochins... like cochins,, like the color blue
cuckoo marans.. wanted to try something different,, LOVE THEM

Was there a chicken breed that you regretted getting?
#1..EEs,, untill i found this site i did not relize what had happend.. the hatchery sent me EEs i thought i was getting ameracaunas.. now i have to get rid of these EEs and find a breeder of true ameracaunas,, what a PAIN...
#2..stOEG... wanted to try something new,,, i am not "in-love" with them as much as i thought i would be.. want to sell them and get my real ameracaunas!!!!

What other breeds do you want to add to your flock?
just bought some golden cuckoo eggs!!!! cant wait!!!!
and i want some TRUE ameracaunas!!!!
and i want to have/ support an endangered breed...
What made you choose a particular breed of chicken?

I didn't know what the heck I wanted. "Ooooh, I want some pretty chickens who lay pretty eggs." So, my first batch was a MacMurray Rainbow Layer special. There were some who were just nicer chickens than others and some that people who bought our chickens liked better and some who laid more eggs so we've now pretty much narrowed it down to Orps, EEs and RIRs.

Was there a chicken breed that you regretted getting?

Well, we got a roo, probably a Jersey Giant as a freebie. He was seriously mean and aggressive.

What other breeds do you want to add to your flock?

Ooooh, I want some of those BLUE Orps and Lavender Orps and Speckled Sussex and some ducks and some geese and more turkeys ......
I have Silkies cuz they are so unique and funny looking.

I regret getting white Cochins for 4H last year. They were huge, ate tons of food and got dirty so easy!

I want to try Polish, but I've heard they had really dumb personalities. I am also getting Call ducks this spring for 4H! Yah!
So excited!
What made you choose a particular breed of chicken?

I wanted a rainbow - I pictured a bowl with all different colored eggs and I like for all my birds to be different colors. So I have layers that lay green/blue eggs, white eggs, cream eggs and brown eggs.

I bought a bunch of Silkies so I don't have to buy an incubator. Wow, they're efficient!

Was there a chicken breed that you regretted getting?

Not really. At first I wanted to strangle my Leghorns, but they're pretty endearing once they got used to our place and they lay huge beautiful eggs. If I get bored with any breed, I sell them. If they're mean, I eat them.

What other breeds do you want to add to your flock?

I need some Welsummer and Marans hens to add dark eggs to my rainbow egg bowl. I want Seramas because they're the smallest chickens in the world - I love teeny tiny critters. I want some more striking birds like Frizzles and Polish just for fun. Some guineas to keep the ticks at bay. Peacocks are pretty...
We were looking for colorful variation to add to the 3 black australorps. We wanted winter hardy, friendly and decent egg layers. We ordered a barred and a white rock, a SLW, a GLW, and a buff orpington. They will be a year old the first week of June. We have since aquirred a year old production red.

I have not regretted any of them. They are all interesting, fun to watch, and lay a decent quantity of eggs (although a couple of them seem to only lay medium eggs).

I was ready to add 3 of Peachick's blue egg layers plus a couple welsummers and leghorns to add variety to the egg basket.

We only have hens. That was the deal I made with my DH. However, my neighbors keep asking why I do not have a rooster and telling me that they would not mind if I have one (except for one).
What made you choose a particular breed of chicken?
Silkies because they were just so darn cute and fluffy!
American Game because we rescued a bunch.
Marans because DH's aunt gave me some eggs! They are my fav!

Was there a chicken breed that you regretted getting?
Silkies again. They only love me when/if I have food.
And they take a long time to get friendly/tame. Still working on one.

What other breeds do you want to add to your flock?

A couple polish hens and a couple EE hens for the pretty tophats and pretty eggs respectively.

For any of the above questions, if the gender of the bird has affected/does affect your answers, can you explain why?
I bought 4 silkies, 2 splashes, one black and one blue. One splash died at about 5 weeks and the other splash is a roo. My blue, who looks more black is a roo and my black is a hen. So, I got 2 boys and a girl when what I wanted was the other way around! Thankfully, so far, the boys still love each other. To top it off, my hen prefers the game roos over the silkie roos!
What made you choose a particular breed of chicken?

Well.. for years I thought all chickens were RIRs, Barred Rocks and some white breed. We had always got them at the feed store when I was young and that's what they had. Then I found the internet, then later BYC and WOW! I never knew there were so many kinds. After our old flock, Light Brahmas and EEs were the first chickens we bought because we liked their traits. The EEs for their variety of looks and colorful eggs, personalities and the Brahma's for their looks, winter hardiness, and their docile personalities. After that we bought a few Ameraucanas and hatchery Buff Orps and two Black Jersey Giants, and a couple Splash and Blue Silkies , for eggs, looks, personalities and the Giants for their size also.

Was there a chicken breed that you regretted getting?

Well for old times sake we got a few RIRS. They were nothing like our old ones. These were really mean. The roo is really bad. However, the past few weeks he has been very good. Maybe he is mellowing with age. We can hope.

What other breeds do you want to add to your flock?

There are 3 chicken lovers in my family. My daughters have small flocks of their own. Between us we would love a few more EEs, BBS and Buff Orps {Lavender too},purebred Ameraucanas, A few Spitzhauben and Brabanters, giant Cochins, a few Blue Jersey Giants, a few Silkies, and there are some banties the girls really want, Dutch, D'Uccles, Cochins and frizzles. We have some Salmon Faverolle, B/W and Wheaten Ameraucanas, and Golden Cuckoo eggs in the bator and are hoping for them to hatch. My DH just reminded me that i also wanted Speckled Sussex, Mottled Javas and Black Copper Marans, LOL. We are patiently looking for some nice quality birds to add to our small flocks and hatching for the first time this year.

Gender has not affected our answers.

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