<Survival of the Fittest> A Woods RP

Ghoul whined in pain. She leapt on Twilight, and bit her muzzle, almost biting it off. She then but hard at a leg

Twilight jerked her head back, her muzzle un-scared.twlight screamed when she bit her leg.twilight decided to kill her, she bit hard on her neck and dropped her to the ground.
Brook jumped up and bit even harder at her neck.
Twilight jerked her head back, her muzzle un-scared.twlight screamed when she bit her leg.twilight decided to kill her, she bit hard on her neck and dropped her to the ground.
Brook jumped up and bit even harder at her neck.
Blade jumped up, he had unusually strong jaws, he bit at Ghoul's ankles then her tail.
Twilight jerked her head back, her muzzle un-scared.twlight screamed when she bit her leg.twilight decided to kill her, she bit hard on her neck and dropped her to the ground.
Brook jumped up and bit even harder at her neck.
Ghoul squirmed, and got up and bit Fang, hard. She bit her tail, her eyes, and her belly before dying.

Fang started crying.

Mist started crying too.
Ghoul squirmed, and got up and bit Fang, hard. She bit her tail, her eyes, and her belly before dying.

Fang started crying.

Mist started crying too.

Twilight killed her with one last bit.she then started to lick fang,"fang!"she gasped.
Brook raced over to fang and licked her ears,"sister!are you ok?"she asked.

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