<Survival of the Fittest> A Woods RP

Thunder meowed softly,"I'm hungry"she whimpered.

"Hm..." Kebechet thought about that. She didn't have any cubs, so she didn't have any milk. And Thunder was extremely young, she couldn't really eat meat, only drink milk.

"Just wait and rest, I will find you a mother bobcat." Kebechet said gently.
"Hm..." Kebechet thought about that. She didn't have any cubs, so she didn't have any milk. And Thunder was extremely young, she couldn't really eat meat, only drink milk.

"Just wait and rest, I will find you a mother bobcat." Kebechet said gently.
(I can make a mother bobcat?)
Username: silkielove419
Name: Lila
Age: 4yrs
Species: Fox
Gender: Female
Color: Red
Mate/crush: Claw
Personality: Skittish, loyal, fierce when fighting
Other: Ice blue eyes.

Username: silkielover419
Name: Phoenix
Age: 2yrs
Species: Bobcat
Gender: Female
Color: Yellowish-gray, brown eyes
Mate/crush: No one
Personality: Cold, fierce kind to other bobcats
Other: She has a scar behind her ear.
(I guess I already have one lol. She has two kits, Jade and Moon that are as old as Thunder.)

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