<Survival of the Fittest> A Woods RP

'"Right now, anything we find is good. I just want to be protected." Phoenix said.
Moon was pawing back, mewing a lot.
"Well, then this should be easy."
She walked for a while before they reached a patch of bushes with a space in it. "I used to live here, but decided to move elsewhere. There's nothing bad about it though, that's for sure. Would this do?" Kebechet asked.
Nomad breathed deeply of their fragrant rich aromas. He couldn't help the urge to roll in them first. Delighted when he found lavender growing there as well. "That a marvelous place! Thank you for finding it and sharing it with me." He said blissfully happy.
Mayan followed, rolling happily "You're welcome!" She said, before getting up and picking some herbs
Mayan followed, rolling happily "You're welcome!" She said, before getting up and picking some herbs

Nomad started picking up the broken stems of the plants they'd rolled in. Their rolling was fun, yet functional. He gathered as much as his mouth could carry. He looked to Mayan and waited for her, so they could go back together.
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"Well, then this should be easy."
She walked for a while before they reached a patch of bushes with a space in it. "I used to live here, but decided to move elsewhere. There's nothing bad about it though, that's for sure. Would this do?" Kebechet asked.

"Perfect, what do you think," Phoenix asked her kits "I love it!" Moon said and knocked Jade off. She squealed as she fell but got up.

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