Surviving Minnesota!

I've never heard of adding citric acid to tomatoes, They have so much acid themselves I wouldn't think it would be necessary. I have never added anything to them and have never had any spoil on me.
I just count on the acid of the tomatoes as well. Sometimes I get tomatoe champagne if my lids fail.
[COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=1D2129]How long until your chickens lay their first egg? I have no idea but for us the magic number seems to be 19 weeks and 3 days[/COLOR] :bow [COLOR=1D2129]for one beautiful girl. Who laid this egg? We have absolutely no way to know for sure. However the darker feathers around the area suggest the Wyandotte. To us this is the most beautiful egg in the world right now. The family saw me turn into an 8 year old girl. I squeaked, I squealed, I laughed, and almost cried from the joy. I'm absolutely a goober and sometimes a blubbering one to boot. It's ever so nice to be greeted with such a beautiful gift. [/COLOR][COLOR=365899][COLOR=4267B2]#[/COLOR]GrowYourOwn[/COLOR]:weee
You can put a dot of different food coloring on your girls vents and the egg will reveal who laid the egg. Congratulations on the egg! Momof3plustwins. You have a neighbor that comes on here: oak ridge aka GoFeedTheGirls. Ivie: 22 months! As a diabetic?! My fingers are crossed that something shows up there. It's really life changing discovery. Let me know what happens. It's been a busy coule days with work. But today is Friday! Jerry good luck with your valve. They make them out of gold, huh? Watched a dog movie last night. Hachi. Bawled like a baby. The dog ones always get me. It's on netflix if any one is interested. Yes! Love the cool down. So much can be done with the cooler weather. Love the looks of those Dominique's Ralph. Do you suppose silver laced wyandottes feather slower so as to preserve feather pattern like a barred breed? That's my only logic for that. Also I believe production breeds feather much faster than heritage breeds so if you have those and are comparing the two... Therein may lie your reasons/ differences for feathering speed. The BLRW is bleaching pretty good this last month. Prepping for her fall molt I guess. Sylvia is looking great. About ready to get her wormer in her pretty soon. Enjoy the day.
Morning . Took me about 15 minutes to make a wrench out of the old lawnmower blade . Got the valve off the tractor . No repair kits made . I went to TSC and compared valves . No luck . The similar one was 3 times the size . Big R only had log spliter valves . Watched a uTube video on repairing one . He made a new nylon poppet valve on a lathe for his . I have machine shop experience but no lathe . I may watch a few more videos . If I take it apart I may find the problem . If it is only a o ring I could match that . Probably will be more serious .

Grandson called already . Window AC is not cooling . So a mission of mercy is in order . I have spares I can take one along . His GF is home all day .

I want to go to the sale barn again this evening .
Good Morning Jerry. Those projects you describe with all the detail...without fail get me into trouble. Case in point the ignition of our new-to-us boat had the key lock in place so it wouldnt turn over. So after youtubing about releasing the tumblers with a nice light tap...I tried it. I used a soft kids school eraser and a rubber mallet and I tapped lightly sending the whole key port right through the counsel. New ignition for the boat was $45. Plus labor. Somethings I need to just leave to the professionals. LOL.

Fun to see some old/new friends here on this Minnesota thread.

Ivie I'm jealous of the Don Henley Concert. Wish I was there. Let us know about your fair adventures.
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My sister got her first egg yesterday. The hen laid it on the floor of the coop. I told her to put some golf balls in the nest so she knows where to put it next time. I'm pretty sure it was the New Hampshire. Sigh*** I miss my new hampshires. I wish their comb was different, too.

Lots of first eggs happening right now. My pullets are scheduled for October.
It sounds like you put 2-3 drops in the vent.

And it can last 3-4 days of pooping and such. You will have a rainbow yard...but if you can see who's laying what....or your that curious...

Yesterday my sister said her New Hampshire had been acting weird and of course her comb is fire engine red. I said, "That's the one." LOL.
It sounds like you put 2-3 drops in the vent.

And it can last 3-4 days of pooping and such. You will have a rainbow yard...but if you can see who's laying what....or your that curious...

Yesterday my sister said her New Hampshire had been acting weird and of course her comb is fire engine red. I said, "That's the one." LOL.

I am glad they kicked in to giving up the eggs. I would think the bantam pullet is probably close to laying too since her sisters are. Oh, they have two bantams, don't they? LOL I just remembered that the first one came out of hiding after they picked up the second. ;)
The other explanation for different feather growth @duluthralphie is some breeds the males feather slower than the females. Different strains or lines can be slower or faster too sometimes.
Good news ! I think I found the problem on the hydraulic valve . First thing I took apart a cap / plug , 4 bearings and a steel poppet fell out . So I cleaned it and put the parts back together . It seems the threaded plug backed out over time So hopefully $400 saved .

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