Surviving Minnesota!

Goldens are huge. Junior and my hens were large enough to pose a problem for this guy but those talons and beak could do some damage in sure. I can't have bantams that's for sure. The littles free range in a spot that is hard to dive bomb as it's narrow and lots of cover with bushes and an rv.

I guess I don't like to shoot anything if I don't have to. I believe that if I live in the north woods and have the attitude that I need to shoot everything well that's just ruining and changing an environment you love. There's a reason people want to live where I live and that's because we have woods and wild life. However. Yes. I want the right to protect my flock and dog. And I want the Feds to trust me with my rights that I am sound mind holding those rights. But unfortunately we get some blowhards who feel the need to shoot every squirrel or raccoon they see and to me that's just a turn off. So I guess we have laws for idiots.
I was selling EE this spring for $1.50 for orders of 50 or more..Next year they will be more though.
Not sexed though correct? You could definitely be selling for $2.50 at least.
My biggest thing is that a hatchery sexes, and just the fact that the chances of a hatchery not being able to meet an order is less then a small operation. I had someone in MN want to supply a lot of my layers, for pretty cheap too even thought it was SR, but I am all for promoting small. But they could not guarantee they could fill my orders every time so I had to decline. With the whole laying business the biggest thing for me is reliability especially as I am hoping to reach close to 120 layers at the end of this year.
Goldens are huge. Junior and my hens were large enough to pose a problem for this guy but those talons and beak could do some damage in sure. I can't have bantams that's for sure. The littles free range in a spot that is hard to dive bomb as it's narrow and lots of cover with bushes and an rv.

I guess I don't like to shoot anything if I don't have to. I believe that if I live in the north woods and have the attitude that I need to shoot everything well that's just ruining and changing an environment you love. There's a reason people want to live where I live and that's because we have woods and wild life. However. Yes. I want the right to protect my flock and dog. And I want the Feds to trust me with my rights that I am sound mind holding those rights. But unfortunately we get some blowhards who feel the need to shoot every squirrel or raccoon they see and to me that's just a turn off. So I guess we have laws for idiots.

I do not have much cover here, about a 20 square foot area of bushes, the coop, and a few areas in the corrals. 2 years ago there was a chicken hawk who was going to have SSS done to him, but the first time we threatened him with that he never swooped down again. It is annoying how you get slack for shooting anything harming livestock also. Shot a porcupine last year, wow that made some commotion among some of my friends. At one point I looked at them and said fine next time my horse gets 26 quills in her nose you come pull them out.
Good Evening All;
It has been quite the week here! Of course Thursday evening DS and I spent some time at the Urgency Center....(people need to know when to use Urgent Care and when it can wait.) Anyway son's infected wood tick bite within 2 inches of he new hernia incision is doing just fine with a high dose of antibiotics.

Friday, I had my testing for NPIP hatchery, we had a student (Ada) and the Vet (Kelly) pay us a visit. All of the instructions I received from Ralphie really paid off big time. They were in and out in just under 2 hours. Again I owe many kuddos (in form of assisting with testing) to Ralphie.

Saturday, DH and DS baled hay with my father in law. They busted their bums to get everything baled and home before today's storms. Around 10am I got a call, can you watch DH niece, IT'S TIME! Sure I would be happy to watch a niece so that I can add another picture of a niece/nephew to the wall. Things didn't go so well, my nephew was born with out a kidney and Mom had to go in for emergency D&C as she hemmoraged. So I got to watch another niece as Grandma (who was babysitting) was called into the hospital. So fast forward to 10 pm at night when I get to evening chores...we find bloody poo in one of the pens. NO say it is not soooo! We quarantined the one sick hen gave electrolytes (no Corid on hand) well she didn't make it by this morning. A second cockerel from same pen was sickly looking this I helped Gilman Co-op Creamery open at 9am and picked up Corid and a few more 1 gallon waterers. Went to visit my new nephew and came home to a dead cockerel. I am taking this whole weekend in as a learning experience.....boy my head is spinning!
That is alot to have on your plate. I hope your nephew is ok? did he have one kidney? or no kidneys? We have kidney problems in my family too. my grandpa had 3, as well as my aunt, my cousin had 2.5, and my sisters tubes between her kidney and bladder were all screwed up. luckily they were able to perform surgery on my cousin and sister and fix their issues. I hope the best for your family.

Junior doing his distraction job on a mid sized hawk out there. Girls under brush. Junior standing on the edge sending warnings.
Finally a crow came along... hawk went away.

I too like having crows around and feed them to keep them around, I saw a crow chase off a hawk the other day as well, great job! I also like the black birds and killdear around. the other day the flock of black birds were making all kinds of racket, I went over to investigate and scared up a hawk that was in their pin trees in my yard. good to alert my girls.

Don't get rid of chickens after a couple of years. Mine are 3 now and laying better than ever! I get 3-5 a day now out of 5 chickens.
I had a golden eagle today. Other then the balds they are the 2nd biggest bird around. He has been investigating for the last week or so. Today he finally decided to get close enough. Stupid hawk I have 3 good roosters there is no way you are getting any of my hens
Are you sure it wasn't an immature bald? Golden eagles are ALOT bigger than bald eagles. We feed them out in the pasture so we have seen the difference
Ralphie best of luck with the bear issue... They are pains...

MNChickmom I am sorry to hear of all your troubles. Praying for your family and relatives.
Bald Eagle Information › eagle › eagle7
Bald eagles are larger than golden eagles in average height and wingspan, but there isn't much difference in average weight. One way to distinguish a golden eagle from an immature bald eagle is leg plumage.

Oh sure the URL didn't copy....duh
Are you sure it wasn't an immature bald? Golden eagles are ALOT bigger than bald eagles. We feed them out in the pasture so we have seen the difference
Like Ralphie posted, Balds are bigger then Golden. They're very distinct from each other. I'm not even sure if the bald eagles are still around, the neighbor who had them by his place said he hasn't seen any signs of chicks in the usual tree.

Best distinction between an immature bald and a golden is the leg plumage.

Also feathering is quite a bit different.

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