Surviving Minnesota!

It's hard to feed and pick eggs while wearing snow shoes. But I wasn't going to walk through waist deep snow with 100lbs of feed (poor timing on my part I'd say).

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I keep telling day we will look back and laugh about snow in the middle of April. I am not sure how long I will have to live to be able to look back and laugh.... Perhaps you would like to join me in my thought process. :rant:he
I keep telling day we will look back and laugh about snow in the middle of April. I am not sure how long I will have to live to be able to look back and laugh.... Perhaps you would like to join me in my thought process. :rant:he

I'm leaving on vacation next week and I'm hoping this all melts and the mud dries up when I'm gone. How's that for wishful thinking?

I'm lucky I work from home and the inlaws live across the street and eventually plow my driveway with the payloader. But I am getting a little sick of all this. Snowshoes or a kayak to feed chickens and a duckboat to get to the horses, seems a little ridiculous.
We got slammed down here in southwestern MN! I left for work late Friday morning and got home finally after 10pm last night. I have a ton of work to catch up on now after not even being home for 3 days. My ma had my kid all weekend (which was kind of a vacation for me ;))Thank god my neighbor here in town plowed my driveway and neighbor in country cleared ours out too. My brother went out and fed/watered stuff after they opened the highways back up yesterday. I was scheduled til midnight last night, but I was dang happy when they let me out at 9pm. My truck was blew in up to the tailgate with a huge drift so a bit of shoveling to do before I could leave.

I have button quail for sale, not cotournix if that's any help....
This weather stinks! So to keep our mind off the awful weather....let play a game called...."How do you outfit a 13 year old kid for the youth Turkey Hunt next Saturday?" The rules are.....there are no rules.....just give suggestions. As of right now the high is 52 and low is 29.

Layer him in his hunting clothes then buy a white HAZMAT suit! and put a White Sheet over the turkey blind. LOL.
Saw a nice Tom climbing a ditch on Friday going towards my office. I loved Turkey hunting in the spring in SE Minnesota. But DH has fallen off hunting them any more. IDK what his deal is. The knee patellar tendon detachment has curbed alot of stuff he usually did.

I'm seeing and hearing totals and it's hard for me to yip about 5 inches up here. But I will I guess.
April 11, 2013. That was a nasty one too, as I recall. Following an endless winter too if I do recall.

Poor chickens.

I see a big yellow thing in the sky that is hurting my eyes.
Things seem to be going well with the babies in the garage.

The broody situation is a little rougher.
The homewrecker sits on the clutch every time broody leaves, lays her egg, then leaves. Broody sits in whatever box is open.

This weekend 2 of the 4 eggs got broken before the other 2 ended up being abandoned by the homewrecker while broody sat in an adjacent nesting box.

Today I found broody sitting in a box on no eggs with a bare breast.

I put a new clutch of eggs in a cardboard box on other side of coop in hopes that Broody will find it and homewrecker will leave her be.

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