Surviving Minnesota!

*Face palm*
Ok, my dad went up north I don't know 2 weeks ago, and there was NO snow. His friends caught 1-3 fish ALL day he got the most 6 this is what said when he came home "I wish there was some snow because the fish could see us, and whenever someone drove on the lake with their portable house it scratched on the Ice and was SO LOUD it was honestly a wonder we caught any."

But whatever believe what you want.
Snow makes life harder. Have to shovel or plow it. It interferes with ice fishing. Limits the birds foraging.

and worse of all it’s reflective qualities slows global warming which we do need up here.
I think one’s excitement for snow is in direct proportion to how much shoveling, clearing and other work it causes one.
*Face palm*
Ok, my dad went up north I don't know 2 weeks ago, and there was NO snow. His friends caught 1-3 fish ALL day he got the most 6 this is what said when he came home "I wish there was some snow because the fish could see us, and whenever someone drove on the lake with their portable house it scratched on the Ice and was SO LOUD it was honestly a wonder we caught any."

But whatever believe what you want.
Define up north?

Are you a concrete jungle dweller? lol
We had more snow than I thought.

It was also heavier and wetter than I thought too.

I had to put chains on my ATV.

The bobcat could actually drive up the snow piles, which is unusual as I have wheels not tracks on it.

I am rethinking the Togo trip.

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