Surviving Minnesota!

Ohh bad just noticed the damage I did last night. Cold days and watching tv in bed is not a good thing the next day.
I just checked accuweather, (so we know it is correct by the name),, I have snow starting in 70 minutes from 1 minute ago, so 69 more minutes..

It says up to 1 inch today and up to 1 inch tonight. BUT then it says 2-4 inches total. So If I only have a chance of UP to an inch which to me means an inch or less today and tonight. Were does this other 2 inches of snow come from?

I think I am going to go with no snow today or tonight, Pull the shades and not go outside.

Currently I have a bright day Jerry! it is a thin overcast layer guessing at around 3-5 k feet with unlimited visibility.
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According to accuweather (thanks @duluthralphie for a reliable weather source) I have snow starting in 5 minutes!!! Eek!!! I glanced outside any way and I think I see some flakes falling. I better check what my totals will be.
Been hopping around the internet . Not much happening . Most forums are slow . Cabin fever setting in .

Yeppers... Here too, I have jumped around, Went to the turkey genetics FB page, nothing new there, played candy crush. Made toys for my chicks. (took all of 3 minutes)..

Wife is at work, I am waiting the snow to start in 12.5 more minutes..

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